It has been brought to my attention that, if I were not such a jerk to people, I would be more popular.
This is generally good advice except when it comes from the jerks themselves. Once you get out of grade school or, at least high school, you may realize that the cool kids, the ones who hate absolutely everything, just aren't that cool. A few decades ago I came to the conclusion that I was fine with certain people not liking me and that, if they did like me, it would be cause for concern.
Take, for example, Ted Nugent. Ted does not know me but, it's a safe bet he wouldn't like me. I'm kinda liberal, if you are keeping score at home. The former rocker is not. It's kinda odd that far right conservatives adore him so. Before he became their idol, he evaded the draft during the Vietnam war by pooping in his underpants for a week (same pair) and showing up at his Draft Board wearing said underpants. So, not a real strong war record even though he's now quite fond of the US going to war with anybody, including itself. Ted's family values includes eight children with four women and a documented penchant for young girls, one of which he appears to have adopted as his wife? YIKES!
You'd like to think that kind of stuff would not get you into a party that wears Christianity as a second skin but, you'd be wrong. The GOP is very forgiving, depending upon one's faults. I don't know that Ted Nugent gets invited to Mitch McConnell's home but, I don't know that he doesn't.
I do know that the reichtards in the threads like him and that they don't like Ferrerman. So, I'm doing something right! Over the years I've been told I'm a pretty good writer and that I have a sharp wit. Several posters on the right have asked me to come over to their side. Can't say I was flattered by that but, I suppose that was part of their intent. It would be kinda like some schlub telling Kate Upton, "Hey- put on about 20 pounds, quit washing your hair and take me to Burger King for dinner." This is to say, they'd like me a lot better if only I was totally different.
Well, I wouldn't like me a lot better. I wouldn't like me at all. I don't get such offers so much any more. Lately it's more along the lines of "you'd have more friends if you were a republican..." When I was friendly with what used to be The Clique on Offbeat, I got angst-filled emails from a couple of the women in the group begging me to stop arguing politics with some of the guys in the group. If only I would stop beating them up...things would go a lot easier on me...
Sheesh! Some people are unclear of the concept of Ferrerman. I was essentially being told to stop being me and start being like them if I cared what was good for me. In other words, shut up while our guys run their mouths about Obama and those mean liberals. Then tell us a joke. You used to be so funny...
As peace accords go, that was as ill-conceived as it was one-sided. These guys use a lot of socks in there terrorist missions against the president so, how was I to know who I was smacking around anyway? The girls claimed to not be too political but, it's not like they were asking the reichtards in their group to back off. Nope, just a Ferrerman.
Oh well, not complaining. Like I said- if they did like me it would only be because I was an angry reichwinger. I'm a little hard on these people because they are a little hard on common decency, courtesy. I'm not perfect but I've got all I can do to be me- why the hell would I want to be someone else?! And worse, someone else who is a popular asshole?! It's so limiting.
Don't ever change.
You have my word.
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