After Obama's reelection, I took a few victory laps around Topix. It was fun! Honestly, a lot of the teaparty faithful retreated into their bunkers the moment the race was called, cyanide pills and Luger's at the ready. But, others quickly reemerged once they rationalized... that voter fraud (by democrats!) had been the reason for Obama's quick, decisive victory.
As noted here and elsewhere, the second-place finishers have not at all been gracious in defeat. They took it kinda hard.
Part of my victory tour included actually watching Foxnews for a change instead of getting all my Foxnews from Jon Stewart. There's nothing wrong with getting your Foxnews from Jon Stewart. He's really quite fair about how unbalanced they are. But, you have to see some things for yourself so you don't become like Foxnews and cheerfully accept everything you are told.
For the record, the three stooges on "Fox and Friends" are every bit as vacuous and slimey as portrayed on Saturday Night Live and perhaps funnier in real time, portraying themselves. They truly are idiot puppets. All seem to have trouble reading the teleprompters and should either get glasses or adopt the "LEAN FORWARD" slogan that MSNBC uses.
Fox takes itself far too seriously. I think they so badly want war with Spain, that they are willing to do anything...
Wait- I said "Spain". I think I meant "Fill In The Blank..." War with Spain was William Randolph Hearst's thing in some other century, back when people were supposed to "Remember the Maine!" Now you just struggle to remember the talking points Fox beats into the heads of it's faithful. Ironically, the talking points are "TALKING POINTS" right now. It is a huge deal with Fox that the enemy administration (Obama and Friends) might not have known every fucking thing that happened at the consulate in Benghazi, at the exact moment it happened and presented it in "talking points"
Talking points are things to talk about. News shows have talking points. Fox, for example, would have talking points about bad things that happen that can be directly associated with Obama and Friends. They would make a point of talking about things that reflect (deflect?) poorly on the Obama administration if you state everything in a rhetorical tone. Don't you find that odd? How long has this been going on? Why don't they admit it? When did they know this? Why didn't they say something about this sooner? And yada? Yada fucking yada? Well, YADA!!!!
There are a couple of things going on here. For some reason they want to redefine "talking points". Maybe they bought the licensing/ copyrights to it? That might be it. Could be the moneymaker that "Remember The Maine" was.
But, maybe they just really, REALLY hate Susan Rice? John McCain sure does! I think he might be senile and thinking she's either Condi Rice or maybe even Sarah Palin. Whatever, he wants her off his lawn!!!!
That makes as much sense as anything else they are talking about...
LOL. Yeah sick of whiny McCain.
I also enjoyed the post election doldrums. Most enjoyable to see pundits pout.
People think McCain has "lost it". I don't believe he ever actually had it to lose in the first place. Never liked him...
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