You never know about life. How many people meet, fall in love and then meet someone else, right in the middle of all that? How many men were born to play baseball but happened to be born in the 17th century- in Europe- when and where there was no baseball? We may never know. A caveman may have envisioned the '55 Chevrolet but, totally lacking the tools to build one, may have sighed and concentrated on simply chipping away at a stone until he created the wheel. Pretty neat accomplishment for the time, just the same.
Timing. Even today, life is often about timing.
Conservatives of today want to shrink government down to a size where it can easily be drowned in a bathtub. That's odd phrasing for people who are fervently anti-abortion as it conjures up the metaphor about throwing the baby out with the bathwater but, politics makes for ironic metaphors.
Suddenly, THE most important thing to do is not only totally suffocate government but, have a democrat president do it! How's that for timing?
The country elected Barack H. Obama to be president, in the Fall of '08. The very moment this happened, conservative pundits and idiots on the internet declared him, "the worst president EVER!".
Or, at least since Jimmy Carter. They started with the premise that, even though he hadn't taken office yet, he was the worst and they built on that. One of the reasons they figured he was the worst was that he didn't want to do many of the things their party wanted to do. Well, DUH! Sometimes I wonder if they get the gist of this two party system. Lord knows it's confusing at times and both parties often act the same and they certainly dress the same but, essentially: one party *represents* working people and the other represents the people who make gazillions of dollars gambling with the money of those that work.
We go through this every time a democrat gets in the White House. Some 70 years ago, in the midst of The Great Depression, Franklin Delano Roosevelt instituted social programs that kept the American citizens afloat until WWII came along and got everyone working at killing Nazi's and Japs or in support of those doing the killing. This was very good timing, all things considered. FDR's policies helped pave the way for other democratic policies geared towards making life better for what would later be termed, "The 99%"- also known as the folks who do all the sweating, bleeding and dying in this country. They also actually built the aforementioned '55 Chevy, I might add, with the aid of the technology of other working men whose timing had been such that they happened to be born in a time when such things were becoming increasingly more possible. And, yes, the monied capital of the 1% did indeed help make this possible but, if you were working on a '55 Chevrolet would you want the president of GM helping you or a guy named Frank who actually built the motors?
In the past 70 some years, conservatives have had a whole bunch of republican presidents and opportunities to undo everything that FDR and other democrats have done. The timing was certainly there! Why do they wait until there is a "D" in the White House to demand things get done? Is that an example of good timing? Obviously not. Late in the 20th century they had a 12 year run in power with Ronald Reagan serving two terms and old man Bush serving one. Twelve years! This was plenty of time to create a perfect, republican world. They didn't do it though. More recently- just three years ago- they had eight years of the Bush kid to create this perfect, republican world. They didn't do it. What were they waiting for?
Barack Obama, I guess. Neverminding the bad timing of expecting a democratic president to undo the social progress they forgot to eliminate while they had the chance, how about minding the complete fucking idiocy of that? This is like living with your ex-wife and her new husband and giving her and him lovemaking tips and suggestions on how they can better get along. "Yeah, this is what I would have done... but, I forgot! You guy's should try this...." There's a reason some people aren't together anymore and yes, many of us do learn from our mistakes but, go get your own girl, dude. Most people make the same mistakes again anyway but, at least they try and generally do it with other people. Kudos to those that work on their marriage while they are married! That's good timing.
I wish that the republicans/conservatives would move on. At least wait their turn. The break up with Bush was bitter but, the new guy is a keeper and actually doing a fine job considering the emotional and financial mess Bush left us. Newt Romney....and Paul Santorum all tell us now that on their first motherfucking day, they will undo the carnage of Barack Obama and 70 years of socialist/communist/ fascist democratic (spit now) progressive policies and NOW we are supposed to believe them. I guess this time, they really mean it?
Believe them? They've had the better and worse part of 70 years to fix the car- they don't even know how to drive...
I used to love hearing our old Topix nemesis go on and on about making the government smaller. He'd also tell us how he'd worked hard to make his money and was living off his investments; he'd never need/take public aid! That was for losers! Of course we later found out none of his story was true.
How many times have we heard that story, or something close to it? You'd think they all grew up in the same house the way they spout this shit.
Far too many right-wingers have come into their glory since Obama took office. They don't want a Republican to win and lose their opportunity to bitch!
Great post:)
Exactly! It just wouldn't be the same to merely point a finger at Obama while doing nothing. It's (secretly) so much *better* to jeer from the grandstand. They never have answers until they're on the sidelines.
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