Monday, February 6, 2012

Half-time, America

Without a doubt, the best commercial from last night's Super Bowl was Clint Eastwood's Chrysler spot. Many viewed it as a campaign commercial for President Barack Obama. I don't know that Clint intended it that way but, I don't know that he didn't either.

Clint Eastwood is a republican and a conservative but, he's not crazy. He's a ridiculously successful actor, director and producer. This means he has tons of money. I have no idea of his tax situation but, I'd bet he has really fine accountants making sure he pays as little as legally possible. I remember seeing an interview with him where he talked about politics. He said something akin to: "Everyone's a democrat until they make that first $100, 000...."

That's actually an axiom that's been around awhile. In a similar vein, it's like the one about young people being idealistic (and liberal) until they mature and get out in the 'real world'. It's presumed that, when one grows up, one righteously becomes self-serving and- if one has a brain in one's head- completely fucking despises poor people who deserve nothing but to be picked clean by vulture capitalists. This, they might add, is the greatest country in the world and if you are poor, it's because you are lazy, stupid, liberal and lazy again.

Yikes. $100k can buy a lot of craziness. In these difficult times though, folks are going crazy for a lot less.  (See the 'millionaire' genius's on Topix and elsewhere on the internet)

Clint simply meant that once someone starts making some pretty serious money, they want to hang onto as much as they can. Well, of course! You and I both would and we know that.

As an actor, I'm sure Clint wants as much money as he can get for a film. However, as a producer/director I'm certain he wants to spend as little as he can. Well, ain't that life?  We all want, want, want until it's time to give people what they want. Then we see it differently. From Clint's perspective however, he is widely respected (and perhaps feared) as a guy who gets excellent movies made at or under budget. I've never heard that he's cheap with actors either or chintzy on the amenities that go with film-making like feeding the actors, providing trailers or whatever. It's just that, instead of shooting a scene 50 times because there is a gazillion dollar budget so- why not?- he goes with the first take if he likes it. He tends to use many of the same actors, cinematographers etc all the time because they are good at what they do and they are familiar with what he wants. He's just smart and knows what he is doing.

So, has Mr. Eastwood had a change of heart in his old age and become a democrat? I don't think so. I believe he's an old school conservative still and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure that, as of the commercial, he be called a 'RINO' (republican in name only) by this new breed of ruthless cons but, I bet none will say it to his face.

It sure did seem like an endorsement of Obama. I'm sure Clint has looked at the current field of republican contenders and seen no hope there. "Half-time in America" sure sounds like he's endorsing Barack Obama as THE quarterback to get us out of this mess, THE man we need to work with, not against. The GOP did not want to bail out Detroit. They felt Detroit should fail on it's own. Detroit wasn't too big to fail like the Wall Street bankers who got us into this mess were.

General Motors and Chrysler are on the rebound. The bail-out worked. Thus, the city and people of Detroit are on the rebound too, as is the country. The country didn't fall apart overnight and it won't recover overnight or on Newt Romney's first day in office, despite claims of such. Clint knows this. He hasn't been wrong since "Bronco Billy" (and I think that film made money just the same). As an old cowpoke, he knows you don't change horses mid-stream. As a director, he knows you don't keep shooting a scene over and over because you can. Smart man.

Here's the proof if you missed it:

1 comment:

Maggie said...

It was a really strange ad in my opinion. I like Clint, the actor/director, but you are right about some rich not wanting to share their wealth. They don't have to, but it does show what is more important in life to them.