Back in the day, I used to tend bar. Dedicated non-readers know this. Now you know it too.
Before there was the internet, there were bars. If you were angry and/or stupid, there was a bar for you.
These days there are still bars but, with the internet and more stupid people than ever in the history of the world, more people are opting to *phone in* their anger and stupidity over the internet. They probably all have DUI's or have been kicked out of all the bars in walking distance. And, let's face it: you don't have to wear pants to be on the internet. You ladies know what I'm talking about!
There was an old guy back in the day who used to drink burgandy wine by the half carafe and periodically announce, to no one at all in particular: "and the Catholic church has a home for pregnant nuns!"
Well, fine. It'd be rude to put them out on the street, not having husbands and all so, nice of the church to care. Honestly, the man said this A LOT. He also would blurt out that his daughter was a prostitute and a heroin addict. I had given up trying to engage him in normal bar room banter and after a time didn't even bother to fuck with him by asking if there was anything new in the Catholic church world. I just had to accept that it was this guy's mission in life to come to this bar, drink wine and remind me and anyone else that nuns can indeed, get pregnant. It was like Bill Murray's "Groundhog's Day" for him. For me it was just like re-runs as I had other customers and better things to do, for the most part. I have never suffered fools gladly but, suffer them I do.
The internet is the bar room of the 21st century. It is chock-fucking full of fat old men lamenting pregnant nuns and junkie daughters and handsome Ferrermen making fun of them. Who knew? Well, if there is a forum for pregnant nun discussions, I haven't found it but, the wine-drinking nuts are there. Mostly they are blurting out shit about liberals and colored presidents but they make as much sense as the guy with the nuns. They just talk (as it were) to hear themselves talk. And they do it because they can. I couldn't throw that old guy out back in the day because he never really did anything to warrant that. It's similar on the threads. Just ignore the idiots.
Kinda hard to do though because there are so many of them. Mostly it's several assholes using several socks to inflate their ego and numbers. I certainly don't mind anyone being republican and having an opposing political view but, if you started screaming that Obama was ruining the country, the moment he got elected, you don't HAVE a political opinion. You're an asshole. You might as well have a junkie daughter who is a pregnant nun. If you really believe that our president is only (Ferrerman's) president, you do not have a political opinion. You're an asshole. If you think that the president shouldn't have vacations or Air Force1 like other presidents, you do not have a political opinion. You're an asshole. And if I see a pattern developing and suspect that you hate this president so much because he's black, then you have no political opinion AND you are a racist asshole. And if you accuse me of playing "the race card" because I think you have no political opinion and you're a racist asshole, you just PROVED you are a racist asshole.
Why do I bother? I don't know. These fuckheads are as dense as the pregnant nun guy. Instead of taking up space on a barstool, they are taking up bandwidth on the internet. So what, Ferrerman? Why do you care? There are so many intelligent, humorous, kind people who don't hate America to play with. People who aren't violent and mean and who actually love America and want to improve it rather than burn it down for the insurance. I've got my friends on Facebook to keep me hopeful. Most all various degrees of liberal, of course, but all sane and politically astute. Musta been something in the water back in the day, at school. Dangerous minds, all of us. Imagine that- loving and caring about people = *dangerous minds*! People who scream about colored presidents think they are the sane and righteous ones.
I wonder if the Catholic church still has a home for pregnant nuns? I doubt that guys junkie daughter took over the family business. But, so many other assholes have gone into business for themselves....
'more stupid people than ever in the history of the world,' - love this, and how true.
I think the dumbing down of the peasants is something that governments like. Keeps them gullible.
Never hung around in bars, but I don't hang out in chat rooms either. Call me strange.
It's certainly what the right wants as they attack and defund education. They want people to be just smart enough to operate a machine or pull a trigger. The greatest country in the world STILL has a 14% illiteracy rate.
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