Yesterday, President Obama announced he would seek a second term. No surprise there. Despite what you may hear on Foxnews or read on Topix, the man is pretty much a lock for a second term as he's done a commendable job in an extremely challenging economy. I mean, his most recent challenger, Donald Trump, is, well- Donald Trump, a guy who two weeks ago was the subject of a Comedy Central Roast. No person EVER in the history of politics has been roasted on CC and gone on to become president of the United States. You just can't be taken seriously as a world leader if you've ever joked about Lisa Lampenelli's vagina. This is why we've never had a President Hasslehoff. It's why we'll never have a president Trump. One of many, perhaps the best.
But, despite that, Trump is their Great White Hope of the week. Despite bankruptcies, failed marriages, affairs, and a blond beaver pelt on his head, this week at least, he is THE republican to lead the country. Well, until Palin decides she's the man for the job.
Oh there's 8 or 9 other early contenders but they're all about as silly as Trump although he's certainly the least serious of the their candidates. He doesn't want the cut in pay- nevermind the responsibility. None of them want the responsibility. A few might think they do, think they can handle the job but, most I think are like Palin in that having to put up will make them shut up. She makes money everytime she opens her mouth. She's just smart enough to know that, when her words become US policy, she's done making money. It's easier and more profitable to criticize the president rather than be the president.
I kinda wish one of these assholes could be president, right now. These teapublicans are threatening and promising so much, I think because they know they've got nothing and very little chance of winning in '12. In '08, after 8 years of Bush, they merely fielded a team in McCain/Palin because they had to, not because they thought they could win. They've got to put a horse in the '12 race too or people will talk.
And actually, they're doing pretty good (it seems....) in the lesser, off-year elections. They took the house and several governorships this past November. With a nod towards the myth of their fiscal *responsibility* (cough- they are politicians- HELLO!) they do seem to be getting more bang for their buck at the state level. It costs like $500 million to run for president. Take a look at their candidates. Would YOU spend that kinda dough for any of those lunkheads to finish second to Obama?
Obama is actually the best candidate the republicans could hope to have. The republican base hates him so much they wanted him impeached before he even got elected. He's everything they need him to be, whenever they need him to be it. NOTHING is too ridiculous for their base to believe where Obama is concerned. In fact, I think your average republican enjoys hating Obama so much, they're secretly wishing he could stay president for ever. He's easy. All you have to do is FUCKING HATE EVERYTHING HE DOES! There's none of the pressure associated with having your own guy out there making policy every fucking day for 8 fucking years, invading countries just because they're there and not being accountable for anything. So much easier to have the other guy in there and blaming him for everything. He could cure cancer and you could condemn him for ruining the mortuary business. Does it get any better than that? They're gonna have to run somebody, eventually. Maybe Bristol Palin's kid? Nah. Sasha would trounce him. Yep.
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