Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Not Thy Brother's Keeper

Like alot of Teapublicans, *Raptorkitty* and *prioroffenses* hate absolutely everything about liberals, Obama and all things relative to the current administration. They even hate their relatives who might be relative to the Obama administration.

The Teapublicans want to eliminate every government service that might have a whiff of socialism about it. Whether it be education, social security or- more simply put- ANYTHING that could be paid for with taxes that might help those who can't help themselves. RK and Prior belive that life is every man, woman and child for themselves unless a church wants to help out. That's OK as long as it is a Christian church and not some mosque that is merely a front for terrorists. They have guns and live in the crime-free country parts of Michigan and Colorado, respectively. These are idyllic utopias where neighbors help each other out (which is "OK" too, maybe a loophole?) no one gets pregnant out of wedlock, and everyone practices family values. Practice- hell- they LIVE family values!

Yet both recently wrote in the threads how each had a sibling that was lost to them because of the "liberal values" of alcoholism/drug abuse and homelessness.

Yes. These two equate these things with liberals. The guy downtown, begging for change (dare I say: HOPEing for CHANGE?) just might as well be the Democratic Senator from Illinois. No difference. Same ideals, though the Senator might dress a bit better and likely has a home, he just begs for other peoples money, just the same.

RK and Prior HATE this. To illustrate this, they told the stories of their *tough love* approach to the wayward, *liberal* siblings. They refused to give them money lest they might blow it on cigarettes, beer or gambling. Some family members took issue with this but, they held firm. RK confessed to once giving her brother a gift card and regretting it because he likely spent it on his bad habits. Twenty years of tough love and the guy hadn't changed. Liberals- what are ya gonna do??!! Some just people just don't get it.....

And some of those people are RK, Prior and the teapublicans. They don't get it. I suggested to RK that, in lieu of cash, perhaps she could sent her brother clothes.

"I don't know what he likes to wear!" she protested.

Sheesh. Like homeless people have a dress code? Had she ever seen any? Many wear coats in summer because they have no place to store their winter threads. They're not fashionistas. If you're really concerned that your hard-earned money *might* go towards vices, clothes or food would seem to be the way to go for the homeless family member.

But, RK and Prior insisted that "real Americans" pull themselves up by the bootstraps and improve their lives without government help, just as the founders intended! (Ferrerman note: A google search of the Constitution couldn't find this intention of the founders. By golly, that piece of paper is more widely interpreted than even the Bible!)

But, I digress. These two soul-less bastards, much like the teapublicans themselves, are simply cheap. They just don't get that, if your *liberal* sibling has been depending upon the kindness of strangers to get by in life, for the last 20 years, it just mightcould be they have mental/emotional issues that bootstraps and tough love just ain't gonna cure. How long do these people- the teapublicans- have to pound on the square peg until they realize that it's just NOT going to fit into the round hole?

The teapublicans seem to think that a little bit of Darwinism is needed to thin out the herd. To expedite this, eliminate ALL social services to the poor and commence bootstrap-pulling. Those who can, will. Those who can't, will die and no longer be a burden to society. Homeless children should encourage their homeless parents. Or else....

Charity begins at home, after all.

Evidently, it ends there as well....


Hegel said...

"Darwinism"? Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis? Are you telling me they like evolution when it suits them, but otherwise reject it? Maybe they're just fond of the natural selection part when it means it'll save 'em a buck?

THESE must be the people who are also willing to adopt every single baby that's saved from being aborted! Well...who doesn't love a fresh, clean, perfect soul?

It's just those souls that don't live up to their standards that they're unwilling to help. If THEY suffer, it's not their problem. THEY didn't try hard enough. Hmmmmmmm.

That must be why Jesus was so picky about who he healed. Why, I remember that story in the New Testament where he healed one of two blind men, but he had to pass on the second one because the man and his illegal immigrant wife had accepted government food commodities... Bastards!

RK and Prior must be a couple of those God-fearing, compassionate conservatives I've heard so much about! The ones who practice at least 723 of the thousand points of light, think it's always "morning in America" and claim that they're exemplary human beings because they (supposedly) give way more to charity than us heathen liberals?

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in." Matthew 25:35
OH! So it has to be a stranger! Bless their hearts, they're just doing what they're told....:)

ex-ferrer said...

Exactly! Too many conservatives try to justify their near complete lack of compassion by calling it "tough love" and proclaiming it should be policy. We're a nation of 300+ million people. To assume that EVERYONE can make it...."if they try (and pray)...." is ASSININE!