I don't know how I did it but, I think I inadvertently started a dating service for my trolls. Yikes!
Remember last week when I wrote about "Nuclear Names Proliferation" and you dedicated non-readers didn't read that? Well, things have exploded in troll land! My trolls have started to court each other. They are having playdates on each other's favorite ferrer threads. They have discovered love in the common enemy that is Ferrerman. Ah- Spring- when a young trolls fancy turns to other trolls...
Weird, huh? Well, actually, right now only shadoe and Elmer Fudd are dating but, I suspect that others will hook up soon as well. This usually starts to happen when the weather warms up and trolls start to wear more revealing outfits showing off the winters storage of fat and sores.
Elmer Fudd seems to be empowered by the fact that I don't know who him or her "are". Duh! There are one million m-effers I don't know on Topix. Fudd seems to think he/she/it is more special than other trolls though I can't see why and Fudd hasn't worked up the courage to explain why Fudd is so angry with me. I am a pretty good poster with a sharp wit (IF I may say so myself) and I've wounded several hundred miscreants on the threads. Some people never get over it. That's too bad. Obviously there needs to be a certain degree of anonymity on the threads but it would probably help if Fudd made a better effort to identify himself and maybe man up and explain how I hurt him/her/it. Then we could take it from there.
Fudd's intent seems to be to sabotage my friendships elsewhere on the threads. Rolling a rock up a mountain might be a better goal. These friends of mine are not easily led ninnies and dregs. The Monkeys and the Patriots are some of the finest people I will ever post with. They are smart and funny, warm and engaging. Now, a dreg would say: "You're only saying that because you LIKE them!" Well, yeah...that IS how friendship works. But, that's the way dregs are. They are- what's the word I'm looking for- STUPID! With the blow-up yesterday, several are already saying that, not only am I all of my friends, I am also all of my enemies. I should real fuck with their heads and say: "How do you know I'm not YOU?" That'll drive them crazier trying to figure that out. These people can spin worse than FOXNEWS. If, for example, Angelique denies to them any trolling of Ferrerman, they take that at face value. They know she's incapable of lying, perhaps because she told them so. She wouldn't lie about that...
I told race that I wasn't trying to win any hearts and minds from what remains of the dregulars left behind on the Chi town forum. When I found the secret thread, "The Quiet Room", it was strictly in response to A770's relentless trolling of me all over Offbeat. If they want to hide from and have a quiet place to talk badly about their old "friends" in the Chicago forum, that's their business. If the "friends" left behind want to cling to the hope of one day being invited to the secret threads, that's their business, as sad as that is. But, when trolls want to bother me AND bother my friends in the process, that is MY business. Goodness! If they think i'm a handful, they haven't seen the rest of the Chicago mob!
This is what I miss for being in class instead of on Topix - I always miss the blow ups (unless it's about or because of me). FWIW, I don't think you're Hegel, writing styles are different.
Hegel is her own, wonderful self. We battle republicans who make the dregs look normal! They think I'm the half-dozen avatars trolling me all over Offbeat and other forums, as well!
They make the dregs look normal? What kind of alternate universe did you manage to find? And make sure you triple-lock the door when you leave!
The feeling is mutual, F-man. Someday we'll write a book about Topix. When they make the movie, won't we have fun casting all the troll parts???? I hope this guy is available to play Sha-duh:
Ooops! I signed him to play Snabu! Heck, we'll be fiscally responsible, make him play both parts, not pay him and then everyone's happy!
They're probably the same person anyway. Smarmy varmint(s)...
I've got to go to bed, but I think our next project should be casting Cav and Farr. Let me know what you think!
See you later:)
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