Well, actually they haven't spoken as much as they have shouted so that other people can't speak. But in a sense, they have spoken in that their screaming rants seem to be saying a resounding "NO!" to national healthcare and a resounding "YES" to insurance company profits.
Multi-gazillion dollar corporations are what have made this country what it is today and, by golly, they WILL take us to the Armeggedon and, damnit, that is the way Baby Jesus wants it.
This seems to be what the republicans are screaming at town halls all across the country. Remember when McCain wanted to debate Obama only at town halls? Was the man deaf? You can't hear a thing with all those republicans screaming. If it weren't for Jon Stewart and Keith Olberman watching FOXNEWS for me, I would have no idea that these idiots were screaming about "death panels" for Sarah Palins folks and her Down Syndrome baby and that this was the basis of ObamaCare. Awfull. I mean- who knew?
So the people have spoken and they don't want any of this communist socialist healthcare that Obama wants to force on us and we should do just fine with the medicare and private insurance that has been so wonderfull ever since insurance was invented.
But, screaming is not going to help anything. If you scream too long and too loud you will get a sore throat. Then you'll have to go see a doctor. Who the fuck can afford that?! You gotta be a rich republican or a congressman or senator for that.
So, here's my solution. MANDATORY HEALTH INSURANCE. Think about it. It worked for car insurance. They noticed that millions of people were driving around with little or no insurance on their vehicles. They hired people to study the problem. I think these people were called "lobbyists". They determined that un-insured motorists were costing billions of dollars each year in damage to their profits. Despicable. The carnage!
So, they lobbied Congress or whoever about this travesty and got mandatory liability insurance passed in all states. This means if you have an '86 Buick and you crash into someone with a new Audi and you kill them, you have to be able to pay them 10 grand so that a qualified Doctor can pronounce them dead. If you don't have mandayory health insurance, you will be fined (say, $100) and be told to get it. This process will repeat itself at the discretion of the police who will recognize very quickly that it is also a money-maker for their municipality.
That's what it's all about. Your friends and neighbors are screaming in town halls and seriously thinking about violent revolution in this country...to protect the interests and quarterly reports of multi-billion dollar entities like insurance companies. Barak Obama is not planning to enslave the USA. We're already slaves. We're slaves to the corporations. We're both whore and john to the pimps that are the banks, the oil companies, insurance and on and on. They all want a piece of us and they're all getting it whether it be taxes, interest or how we are treated when we get sick. And they all want more. Our money is a house of cards that can collapse at anytime. Maybe- maybe- the powers that be can keep this from happening. I doubt it. If they might be too greedy for our own good, how can we trust them not to be too greedy for their own good? Where does it end?
It makes me sick to see my fellow Americans behave this way. They are like the rat in a concentration camp helping the guards to get another ration of food.
To hell with everyone else! *I* live another day!
That's what *they* count on...
I'm not sure about mandatory health insurance, but I loved everything you said about corporate greed.
Hellooo, people.
We are puppets on a string, now. Guess some like it that way.
Can the government do better?
Can it do worse?
As much as I was "joking" about mandatory health insurance, I know they have thought of this and would love to pull it off.
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