Monday, August 17, 2009


Not really. I mean, I do win in that i've given up on the inanity of Topix and the vulgar insanity of the ninnies. I win there but, that's like saying your head feels better ever since you quit beating it against a brick wall.

I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this ninnie shit. I didn't threaten anybody and I didn't reveal anyones true identity. Anyone who tells you that I did is a liar and a ****. If you think I did this, feel free to think that. If you SAY I did this, fucking prove it. Since you cannot, shut the fuck up.

I'm done with these people. But, before I go, here's a message for all you lackeys who might want to portray yourselves as victims:

If you want to portray a guy as a crazed stalker, DO NOT leave (so far) three vulgar taunts on a ferrerman's blog. That's kinda stoopid. Also, don't publish posts on your blog where your cohorts offer to publish any personal information about a ferrerman. That too is stoopid. And easily copied.

I am done with you freaks.


Anonymous said...

Good! Can we hope you're finally gone.


A proud lackey

ex-ferrer said...

ooops! Make that four taunts...

Anonymous said...

Ooops!!!! Make that five taunts.

Proud to be a lackey.

Anonymous said...

Your mama must be proud of her boy! Did SHE teach you this kind of language.

Anonymous said...

So what did you win exactly? A trip to exile land? You and your one fan.

Anonymous said...

God no! Not Exile land.
No more Bubble tea.
No more virtual waffles.
Poor fer, and his one fan.

Anonymous said...

One can only hope Exile land isn't filled with topix nutjobs.

ex-ferrer said...

It's a wonderfull, ninnie & dreg- free land full of beautiful, articulate, clear thinking, talented people. Paradise.