Thursday, January 5, 2012

To kill for

Before there were crazy people on the internet, there were crazy people in real life.

(Ferrerman note: There are probably still crazy people IRL but, the government has wisely herded them to the internet where people making sudden moves around them results in much less chaos.)

When I lived and worked down south (and was not on the internet) I worked with a lot of crazy people. One of the things crazy people love to do, is kill people. I was quite bemused by this because I never actually saw any of these crazy people kill anyone though they spoke as if they did this all the time. I was, for the most part, considered sane because I had never killed anyone. Well, I had never talked about having killed anyone so, watch it. I'm just saying.

I say I was "bemused" because it would regularly bemuse me what people- mostly men- would kill for. It didn't take much for some. As a for instance, I may have one day lamented getting caught and chewed out by the boss for taking a long lunch. More often than not, there would be a crazy person within earshot who, upon hearing that, proclaim: "I'd kill a man who talked to me like that!"

Oh, really? Well, could you kill him for me, I asked in a bluff calling manner?

"No. He didn't talk to ME like that! No man talks to ME like that! I'd kill a man talk to me like that!"

Oh. So, how many men have you killed then, I asked in a bluffier tone, designed to promote a quizzical look on dude's face. Anything thing you'd like to share?

"I'd killa man that talked  to me like that!"

Yeah, I got that part....

Of course, these guys had likely never killed anyone and weren't going to kill me no matter how much I went on to fuck with them about this. They just seemed to have a compulsion towards bravado that is not limited by any means to the southern states but is as common as cornbread. About as palatable too.

Ya see, everyone gets talked to like  that and it's really kinda rare that folks kill for this. Yes, people do go postal and on some streets and certainly some prison cell blocks, having words will result in violence up-to and including death but, think about how many times you have argued with anyone and how many have resulted in your death or the death of your co-arguer. I'm gonna guess none. Most people just aren't wired to kill at the drop of a hat in polite society. This makes Jesus happy. It's also a pretty good deal for most of us as we go about our daily lives, especially rude cab drivers or sales clerks. It works out pretty.good for the vast majority of us in real life.

If you think about it, the internet and certainly Topix,  is a perfect place for crazy people to be. In the real world, with the way I talk to Sam (to name just one idiot) he HAS to kill me. He'd have to kill any man that talk'd to him like that! But, he wouldn't. Why not? Because I'd beat the fuck out him. He knows it. That's why it's better for him that he, from the comfort, safety and privacy of his mother's basement, spends his days and nights obsessing over Ferrerman and anyone vaguely associated with Ferrerman, like Barack Obama, whom Ferrerman supports and various women with spankable bottoms that are Ferrer-friendly.

If not for Topix, Sammy might be waving a gun around everywhere in public that people might upset him or even actually shooting folks causing possible headlines like this:


Instead of that horror, we instead get stupid polls trying to convince largely imaginary people on the internet Ferrerman is really everyone of Sam's *personas* on Topix and, thus, he and Barack Obama must be stopped.

We should all appreciate less crazy people on the streets where they are so much harder to scroll over or snicker about.


Maggie said...


Very funny post. : )

ex-ferrer said...


But, thanks! :)