Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Hello, readers! Today I'm turning the blog over to my friend, Hegel, who is quite the writer herself.
Here is her take on the recent kerfluffle with the JG's Swallows miscreants, as told to a Topix Moderator who does have questionable sympathies...

You people? I've never used anyone's real name, nor would I. Thanks for the vote of confidence and letting me know how you guys REALLY feel. I have, however, seen them use Ferrerman's real name over and over and over again for more than a year. When we've reported it it's taken anywhere from a day to more than a week for it to get removed. That's IF it gets removed. Sometimes it doesn't! Is that a matter of "you people" deserving what we get?
The posters who hide to post his real name just go on and on with their bullying and feel nothing but emboldened because nothing is said or done privately or publicly to stop them by YOU people. He's put up with them calling him a "perv" and a "fag" too many times to count. A day rarely goes by when he's not labeled a pedophile or followed around by gray boxes who do nothing but attempt to disrupt any conversation he tries to have. But that's OK because it's just Ferrerman, right? If we reported everything and continued to do so until YOU people took action we'd have no time to do anything else.
He may not be perfect but I can't blame him for losing it every once in a while when he feels HE has no recourse against about a dozen people who gray box filth using his name (either about him or 'AS' him) and mods who don't seem to give a shit about cyber-bullying despite the lofty, caring public statements put forth by Topix LLC. It seems your only solution is for him not to be able to post with his friends. He's just supposed to take it while they troll on unabated. But go on and continue to blame the victim. Topix is famous for that and you've gained that reputation because it's deserved. "You people", indeed.

Well said, Hegel. Thank you!  :)


Hegel said...

You're very welcome, my friend!

Barbi said...

Great post, Hegel.
I just posted on Topix that the Castle cretins, at least most of them, are like chickens.
I used to raise chickens and anyone who has done that knows that when one is bleeding, the others peck it to death.
Of course, Ferrerman can't be pecked to death because he's not a chicken but, in fact, the farmer and there are these really ugly little banty hens following him around madly pecking at his heels because they don't like his politics or they can't understand his posts because they're only chickens.
Whatever the reason, his problem is he has the courage to stand up to them and keeping with the poultry theme I've got going, he's not part of the flock of the dumbest creatures God put on this earth, just before the cow.
OK, enough of the barnyard banter, but I think Ferr's last blog well placed outside the parameters of Topix was deserved.
On Saturday, I did send in feedback on the posting of his real name and I guess it's finally gone, but I saw other posts removed and that one left to languish at least until Monday.
So yeah, something is definitely up with one of the mods. I've noticed Kevin seems to know when his fave mod is modding because he seems to misbehave about one weekend a month.
Oh, and handbag's claim that she didn't know Ferr's name was lint at the bottom of her bag. I'm sure she has a dossier on him by now, and is planning a drive by once the passing of the hat is completed and she has her Greyhound ticket!
Yes, the sluggish response from Topix mods only encourages these awful, awful people. They see it as a license to try, and it's not going to stop. Or maybe now, it will.

ex-ferrer said...

Excellent comment, Barbi!

We are quite the band of writers!

Momma Karma said...

I'm always amazed at the amount of trolling by those claiming to be covered by the blood of Jesus. Was that part of Jesus' message? Go from thread to thread bouncing them, knowing that they'll flame. Any opportunity to paint the world with misery.

I came to Topix when the company felt it was in THEIR best interest to give a platform to every Bob, Dick and (((Kevin)))) whose IRL existence is wasted slathering adoration at the heel of artist' who have had the courage to seek out their dreams. This kind of questionable teen frenzy, while lauding the safety of a life lived next door to a cop in crimeless Poluka-ville, sets the stage for his lack of ambition. Don't you think? Where every day is groundhog day. The available gene pool works behind the counter of Dairy Queen. And all one can look forward to is correcting old people in a series of endless "inventories."

Oh, and lets not forget posing as a child so you could hang out with pedophiles. F-U-C-K-I-N-G pathetic

beyond the pale

Ever since "Ju1cyl1ps" was neutered by mod 8, I've found his blather to be non consequential. A kind of heap'n help'n of "just deserts."

Maggie said...

Don't post. Just asking you to see if you can now comment on my blog. Thanks

Hegel said...

Thanks, Barbi! Hey, I know Topix won't get any better but it doesn't hurt to speak up.

I had to laugh at Sublime's current run of pontificating. The silliest part of his argument is when he says we're blaming people who did NOT out Ferrerman's name.....which implies he knows who did;) Either that or he believes anything these assholes tell him because he's such a great judge of character? Yeah, who needs proof? That's hilarious considering what he does for a living, but he walked right into that one. D'oh!

The guy needs to just shut the fuck up. He's clearly been fed a line of bullshit that he's only too happy to swallow. It makes him feel big and strong while he stands on his soapbox sharing his wisdom with the masses.....before he goes back to calling women bitches and gap-toothed whores who need to be controlled. In other words, a real catch. If you don't believe me just ask the poseur.

Maggie said...

Hi. Good guest post.

Barbi said...

Hi Hegel!
Sorry my comment was so long, Ferrerman! I hope there's room for one more.
Oh, Sub's a big blabbermouth. I wonder if his wife gets a beating if she doesn't listen to him. Really, I do.
He made some great, big goofs in his post. Pat Ferrerman on the back? As if he needs our approval? lol!
Oh, well. If he's not being listened to at home (...to the moon, Alice!) it's easy for him to impress that fat little barfly who begs for his attention and laps at his heels.
Little does Sublime know that Ferrerman has always been very forgiving, making excuses for his occasional tantrums. He really has!
By the way, something called Fish Stix is leaving a noxious, slimy substance all over the threads. What's that all about? Another bottom feeder? lol!
I know this comment is subject to Ferrerman approval...

Barbi said...

There is an error in my last comment. It should read "...as if YOU (Ferrerman) need our approval."

ex-ferrer said...

I approve that correction!