Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Like posting to a wall!

While I wouldn't exactly call it beating my head against the wall, it certainly felt good to stop.

As many regular, dedicated non-readers know, part of the impetus for this blog was to combat a ridiculous accusation by an imaginary person on the threads who had made it his/her mission in life to destroy Ferrerman at ALL costs and thus, win Topix or something. The other part was that I needed an impetus to start a blog because, I'm a writin' motherfucker, who needs to write.

So, in other words: this blog was bound to happen. Mitt Romney can take credit if he wants but, this is my thing, my blog.

Here's a secret: My two biggest detractors on Topix, Sam and Sublime, are my two most dedicated non-readers. Sam checks the blog several times a day, every fucking day and Sublime checks once a day. He's a busy patent attorney for a foreign car company and, since there's only eight hours in a work day,  checking my blog habitually would cut into his Topix posting. Sam is unemployed so, he is free to multitask, checking my blog like an OCD person might wash their hands. Sublime, however, is editor of his Lifestyles Of Topix and must devote most of his work day to regaling Topixtown with his extramarital activities and brawling skills- ya know, legal shit.

Anyhoo, these two bastards are annoying. I gave up on Sam months ago but, since he has several dozen Topix profiles and a proxy server, ya can't swing a dead cat in the threads without hitting that asshole so, what are ya gonna do? It's really like ignoring a hundred idiots. Some slip through though.

Sublime, as far as I know, is so enamored of being Sublime that he likely has scant interest in being anyone else on Topix. Curiously, as wonderful as Sublime purports himself to be, his choice of me as the bar he has set is kinda odd.

I'm old enough to be his father! If he were a tall, handsome guy, I might wonder if I didn't know his mom for an hour or so, back in the day. At 5'7", I don't think so. Plus, I'm a broke down, wore-out, ol' painter, not a big deal attorney! Some people might think that a patent attorney is what the bottom 50% of a law school class settles for but, it mightcould be it was Sub's boyhood dream. And, as it happened, actual litigation would cut into Topix time so, he chose well in the paycheck department.

I just don't know why he chose me as his adversary/role model. Why set your bar so low, Sub? If you don't respect someone's parenting skills, marital track record, type of employment, etc. why gloat over what you see as their shortcomings. I'm not getting down on myself here. That's these assholes jobs. I'm pretty fond of myself. I view this as coming from the same mentality that declares Barack Obama "(to be) the worst president since Carter!" Folks can say that all they want, it doesn't make it true. And, well, consider the source! I wouldn't like Obama if Sam liked him and I wouldn't like me if Sam or Sub liked me.

So, over last weekend I quit posting on threads that Sublime is known to infest. As futile as it can be, I prefer the politics in life rather than the Lifestyles of Bored Patent Attorneys And Their Cohorts of a Thousand Socks. Though she changed her name, Angelique 770 is still pursuing Ferrerman and still using Sublime and Raptor from the old days and some new idiots, as well. Same shit, different forum. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for a good Ferrerman to continue to post with those assholes. Do I really need new imaginary people hating me? Do I need new people practicing the (IRONY ALERT!!!!!) COGNITIVE DISSONANCE of denying their friend Princess Sue is Angelique770 but, BTW, why did Ferrerman send A770 a picture of his junk, since you brought up A770 who is NOT Princess Sue or anyone else, BTW.... Do I need to refight a battle I won three years ago?

No. But they do. What do they have to lose? Sublime gets paid six figures to refight that battle and boast about he and the wife's sexual conquests. That foreign car company pays him whether he's posting that or just posting "hello" to his friends on Topix. Same with Kevin, Sue, Ange and that pole-smoker, Sam, and others whether they are patent attorneys or fake therapists, or disabled electrical engineers. It all pays the same. It all posts the same too. I don't have to be a part of that sadness.



ex-ferrer said...

LOL! There is no such place but, yes, it would be nice!

Sue J said...

I've never been to Topix and I avoid forums for the very reason that they are full of people who have to shout over the top of everyone else. They probably do the same thing in real life.
Talking over the top of someone in a conversation - which turns out to be a monologue - is a sign of insecurity and a lack of self esteem.
Eventually you tire of even trying to be part of it.

ex-ferrer said...

I can't recommend it, Sue. Like Thingy said, it *could* be a wonderful place but too many people are intent on mucking it up.

Maggie said...

Hello. Just checking. You have completely disappeared from my dashboard.


Hegel said...

I made a joke the other day that "you get what you pay for" on Topix and one of them actually thought I was saying I pay to post there.

That's about as funny as a certain someone claiming they make six figures, or someone else pretending she's a psychologist with a grant. The fact that these people are trying to impress posters on an anonymous forum pretty much says it all.

ex-ferrer said...

A new take on the "paid posters" gag! LOL!

I guess if we're not impressed, anything can and will be used against us until we are impressed?

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