Tuesday, May 29, 2012

ANYBODY but Obama....

"Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States. This is a change for Republicans: the House and Senate doing the work with the president signing bills. His job is to be captain of the team, to sign the legislation that has already been prepared."

The above quote is from Grover Norquist. He and they (and by "they" I mean the GOP) literally mean anybody. Wow. Now that is some transparency! All their president needs is a maximum of ten fingers to sign whatever Grover and his gang put in front of him, no questions asked. Guess who has ten fingers?


He has ten fingers and will do what he's told. They might as well save a billion dollars on campaign advertising and just run with that.

Shouldn't we be afraid of such a low setting of the presidential bar? Are we too busy thanking the stars that it's not Sarah Palin or Santorum? Mitt's a better face of dictatorship than those two, I reckon. Except for the dog transporting and bullying, he's a nice looking man. He sure knows how to make money though and, in these corporate times, don't we need a qualified CEO as president to lead us out of the remnants of the recession caused by the last CEO, Dick Cheney?

But, I digress. Unless there is some more serious skulduggery than we saw in Bush v. Gore and then Bush v. Kerry, this digitly qualified Ken doll is not going to win. Not enough people like him, something very important in an election. Not even enough people in his own party like him, despite his fingers and thumbs.

For godsakes he's a MORMON. They're damn near Scientologists. Would you want Tom Cruise or John Travolta running the country? If there is a theocracy on the horizon for America, it's not to be one that has us wearing Magic Underpants. Jesus would never return to that.

Right now, I don't think the republicans care as much about the presidency as they do controlling both houses of Congress and the lobbyists that own them. The presidency is icing on the cake, of course, but, Congress is where it's at. Aren't you tired of partisan politics, congressional fighting? Well, if every member of Congress marched in lock-step, we wouldn't have all that nonsense. Everybody would be on the same page with one fella like Grover pointing the words out for them. That, is small government you don't even need to drown in a bathtub.

So, can they win fighting gay marriage, Obama's birth certificate (AGAIN!?) and Jeramiah Wright (AGAIN?!) and eliminating social services?

Never say "never" but, yeah, they could. They won't but, it's the thought that counts.

What if, overnight, Welfare and such was eliminated? Your taxes would not go down. I guaranfuckingtee that. Wall Street needs that money to gamble with and The Military Industrial Complex needs that cash to go to war. And with scant few of those newly freed slaves of government assistance not actually pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and getting jobs that still don't exist, we'd need a ton of police and less- expensive soldiers to round these ner-do-wells up and put them in places where the rest of the population won't be stepping over their dead bodies. Hey- didn't Fox and friends tell you Obama had FEMA camps on the horizon to round up conservatives? Well, this is tit for that tat! Revenge is a dish best served cold. It will be on the menu in the camps, BTW.

If you pay attention in life, most people telegraph their intentions, knowingly or not. We see things that don't quite register in our mind at the time but become crystal clear later. You now know that you knew your spouse was stepping out, right? You ignored it at the time- maybe because you wanted to- but, it was pretty obvious. Norquist and the teabaggers are pretty obvious. I think your average reichtard actually does realize this. they are just to dense to see that, what you do to the least of my brothers you do to me. Jesus evidently said that. He could have expounded on that to declare what you do to the least of my brothers you WILL do to me but, most Americans, especially those of the exceptional variety, cannot think that far ahead.

We're all Jews waiting to be loaded into boxcars for camps where we're told we will be safe. The republicans are the Germans left behind, not-so-secretly glad to be rid of their neighbors, foolishly believing they will not be next.


Sue J said...

If all they need is someone with opposable thumbs, they could choose a chimp, rather than a chump, and pay him/her (what am I thinking? Her!) in bananas.
Have you ever watched the UK sitcom 'Yes, Minister'? It's actually the Public Service who run things, and they are NOt voted in, they are there as a permanent fixture and if Sir Humphrey is anything to go by, they do all the deciding.
If/when Obama gets his second term you might be able to say you've had 8 years without invading some small county, which will be something of a first I imagine.

ex-ferrer said...

Romney should be insulted. I think he's too rich and egotistical to care. Ya know, if The Supreme Court had not handed GW Bush the presidency in 2000, we likely would have had Al Gore for eight years- a 16 year run of democrats! Certainly their would have been no Iraq war (and funded with borrowed Chinese money) but, Afghanistan would likely have happened- but ended sooner. No Bush Tax Cuts For The Wealthy and no worst recession since The Great Depression.

Ironic but, likely no Barack Obama. We tend to, perhaps in the interest of *fairness*, change parties every 4 to 8 years. Likely, the country would have felt it was time to give republicans a chance, whether the country was in good shape or not. I doubt McCain/Palin would have been the ticket though. Those two were kind of a throwaway as the R's knew they couldn't win after 8 horrible years of Bush.

Regardless, it's a frightening thought that a major party would opt to run a titular head. There is danger there, cherie!

Sue J said...

They do the same here. We have had a Labour government which changed to a coalition government when they had to join forces with 4 Independents to get the numbers. We are doing better financially than any other 'western' country, but the morons will vote in the Liberals (our conservatives) at the next election I can almost guarantee it. They like to believe the Libs gloom and doom prophecies rather than taking a look at where we really are in the grand scheme of things.
It's true what they say - people get the government they deserve!

Sue J said...

Oh, yes, and if the Libs get in and it all turns to shit, they will blame it all on Labour Party policies. They always do!

ex-ferrer said...

It's funny but, they really have different methods of doing the same things is all. Republicans have been screaming about Social Security/welfare and the like for decades. They've obviously had a lot of presidents who (theoretically) could have eliminated these programs but didn't. I think they're serious now because there are elements in the party who believe their own rhetoric and probably think they actually can coerce Obama into scrapping social programs *to save money*. It's just politics, to placate and fire up their base but, who knows how insane they might get if they regain the WH AND both houses of Congress? Were Romney to win, regardless of who is actually pulling his strings, I doubt that much would get done and they would waste four years blaming Obama for not un-effing all the damage Bush did, so they could get four more years. Just politics...I hope....