Thursday, May 3, 2012

Faith no more

I don't post a lot about my personal life here or in the threads. I've got people who do that for me, for free. They are a bargain even at twice that price!

Writing about one's self is kind of a leap of faith any way you look at it. The readers have to take the leap. They either believe you or they don't. I fully understand that. With every third person on the threads being a war hero or a self-made millionaire, I'm not going to leap to believe too many people. So, I could say this or that  and let the chips of credibility fall where they may. Or, I could just not share personal details. Remember my ol' co-worker Larry, who refused to divulge any details about his life? I could be insane like that. Ol' Lar, by the way, did pretty well for himself in his post-working-with-Ferrerman life. He managed to transform his complete lack of personality and the paranoia of a meth-head into a lucrative position with a popular (but awful) restaurant chain. I think some family connection was involved but, good for him just the same. On the scorecard of life, he's in the column of people who make more money than Ferrerman. This is a very select group of slightly less than one billion people.

The thing is, I could be brutally honest or a prevaricator and everything I say is still subject to the leap of faith of the reader. It's all about what you want to believe- like being a republican. Just because someone *thinks* Barack Obama is a Kenyan, Muslim, communist bent on ruining America doesn't make it so, it just alerts other people to the fact that they're an idiot.

So, lately I've been reading stuff about me, written by imaginary people who have anti-Ferrerman sentiment and- guess what(!) it's mean! I have  had such people literally tell me that they know me better than family and real life friends. I may be fooling IRL people but I'm not fooling the imaginary ones! Imagine that...

These people put shit out there like monkeys in the zoo. They're showing off and seeing what sticks.  It's like the old question: "When did you stop beating your wife?" Or the modern version: "Ferrerman, when did you stop spanking your wife?!"

The thing is, there's some things about my life that I don't know myself. I don't recall the last spankin' I gave the ex. I shoulda filmed it! We all know that one out of two marriages ends in divorce. In internet terms, this means that if Ferrerman is divorced, as far as anyone else knows, you are successfully married because Ferrerman covered the divorced part. Even if you and the old lady fuck other people on the weekends, at least you're not Ferrerman- you're a FAMILY!

I don't recall writing much detail about divorce or custody issues, here nor there. There's some truly awesome details but, I haven't posted them here nor there. I like to fuck with idiots and one tried and true method of that is to post just enough info for them to run around with until they get tired out.  You don't even have to do it on purpose. They just pick up whatever you drop and run with it, regardless of direction, like five year olds learning about soccer. Hey- if they think they scored, let them enjoy it. It just may be the highlight of their lives and of their credibility.

Well, that's kinda sad....   


Hegel said...

We've revealed very little about ourselves, like you said, while the idiots in question have revealed way too much (many times contradicting themselves) ....mostly to prove what superior lives they lead;) It's a given that anyone who goes into detail about their wonderful life is overcompensating. Let us count the ways! The recent crap just shows how desperate they truly are. It's been very telling.

We both know Slimer is a fucking nut. Not too surprising he's gone off the rails given his past behavior. Now he's got a new friend who also suffers from 'Little Man Syndrome'. We *could* reassure them there's no place to go but up, but for them that just ain't happening. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Good post, Ferrerman!

~Volvo Group

ex-ferrer said...

Thanks, VG!

ex-ferrer said...

Buncha nuts for sure, Hegel!