Friday, March 7, 2014


From last night's Daily Show:

Yep, we're in 37th place. That is "THE BEST HEALTHCARE IN THE WORLD!!!" There isn't even a 37th place in any professional sport. How do they pick a winner? Were the Seattle Seahawks really 37th best in the NFL?

We're leading the league in delusional people. There's no doubt about that. I have a cousin who is an actual lawyer (he doesn't play one on Topix) and he is one of the smartest people I've ever known. He's also quite kind and patient. On his Facebook page he has a childhood friend who is a crazed, hardcore teapublican. "David" stated yesterday that "...LIBERALS VETOED VETERANS BENEFITS TO PAY FOR HEALTHCARE FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS..." He posts in all-caps like that a lot. My cousin politely asks him to stop the all caps. It really is THE INTERNET VERSION OF SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF YOUR FUCKING LUNGS!!!!!!!!! Normal people know that it doesn't help make your point at all, in fact, it clouds your point.

So does declaring things in all caps, about America's healthcare supremacy that can be  debunked in seconds via Google. I hate to pick on the teapublican party but THEY DO THIS ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!!!

Oops. Sorry. They do this all the time. They lie to their people (and to us) but mostly they lie to their people because their people MUST FUCKING LIKE IT!

Damn. Sorry.

For the record, it was republicans who voted against veterans benefits. You know why? Money, of course. It's cheaper to just say you support the troops. People think that covers the veterans too because the GOP loves creating veterans. They are not the least bit conservative about this. They can always find money for wars to create veterans but, when those veterans need help, it's way cheaper to vote against helping them and then telling people like David that the democrats did it.  They know that he and others will scream it from the rooftops of the internet and maybe even add "free healthcare for illegals" on their own.

It's the same with declarations about the supremacy of American healthcare. It sounds true and it doesn't blame anybody so, there's that. However, 37th is not even close to "the best". It's beyond disingenuous. It's downright criminal. Naturally, the GOP has a vested interest in defeating Obamacare. They get to win politics! For them, that's even better that defeating Ferrerman and winning Topix would be for a troll! Defeating Barack Obama is their whole thing. If a Bush or-  a God forbid- President McCain were promoting the ACA it would be THE GREATEST HEALTHCARE PLAN- EVER!!!!!! No lie. Don't change a word of the ACA and they love it... if it's theirs... If you don't think so, remember it was originally a republican idea and was implemented by Mitt Romney when he was governor of Massachusetts. This is clearly a case of it's the singer, not the song.

To declare our 37th place standing to be 'the best' embarrasses the whole country in front of the whole world. You see, they know. The 36 ahead of us know. And those behind us- striving to get ahead- they know too. If you don't know YOU"RE AS DUMB AS DAVID!!!!!!!

Ya know, the whole world really is watching. They're probably wondering what the hell is wrong with THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD?

Here's the folks ahead of us.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ferrerman! Just a little off topic (sort of) humour. Apparently, we can't access the newer Daily Shows in Australia so when I clicked your link, I got this message; "We're sorry. You seemed to have mistyped 'All Anal Nurses' and have arrived at a page that does not exist.Please try again."
Underneath it was the picture of the March 6th Daily Show, so I clicked on it and got this message: "Sorry but this video is unavailable from your location. But hey, at least you have kangaroos and boomerangs. Plus you still can watch clips from the Daily Show on the comedy"
I tried your link again. This time there was a photo of Jon Stewart with the caption: "Thank god you're here. I've been so lonely."
I'm going to keep trying and I might come back and let you know if there are any more funny comments.
All the best, Irish.

Anonymous said...

byline: Deer Whisperer/Luke

Senator Bernie Sanders, I-VT, invited medical/health care experts from other countries to testify for his Senate subcommittee. Below is most of the linked article about an exchange between a Senator and an expert from Canada. I "chevron" the punchline:,0,2995139.story#ixzz2vrc5dpio

By Michael Hiltzik
March 12, 2014, 10:50 a.m.

A U.S. politician's I-don't-need-no-stinkin'-facts approach to health policy ran smack into some of those troublesome facts Tuesday at a Senate hearing on single-payer healthcare, as it's practiced in Canada and several other countries.

Here's a lightly edited transcript of the key moments, which start with [DW: from NC, Republican Senator] Burr asking Martin about the observation in her written testimony that wait times for elective surgery in single-payer systems will lengthen as doctors move out of the public system:

BURR: Why are doctors exiting the public system in Canada?
MARTIN: Thank you for your question, Senator. If I didn’t express myself in a way to make myself understood, I apologize. There are no doctors exiting the public system in Canada, and in fact we see a net influx of physicians from the United States into the Canadian system over the last number of years.
What I did say was that the solution to the wait time challenge that we have in Canada -- we do have a difficult time with waits for elective medical procedures -- does not lie in moving away from our single-payer system toward a multipayer system. And that’s borne out by the experience of Australia. So Australia used to have a single-tier system and did in the 1990s move toward a multiple-payer system where private insurance was permitted. And a very well-known study by Duckett, et al., tracked what took place in terms of wait times in Australia as the multipayer system was put in place.
And what they found was in those areas of Australia where private insurance was being taken up and utilized, waits in the public system became longer.

BURR: What do you say to an elected official who goes to Florida and not the Canadian system to have a heart valve replacement?
MARTIN: It’s actually interesting, because in fact the people who are the pioneers of that particular surgery, which Premier Williams had, and have the best health outcomes in the world for that surgery, are in Toronto, at the Peter Munk Cardiac Center, just down the street from where I work.
So what I say is that sometimes people have a perception, and I believe that actually this is fueled in part by media discourse, that going to where you pay more for something, that that necessarily makes it better, but it’s not actually borne out by the evidence on outcomes from that cardiac surgery or any other.
(The ultimate zinger came at the end of the exchange, when Burr thought he had Martin down for the count about wait times in Canada, and she neatly put the difference between the Canadian and U.S. systems in perspective.)

BURR: On average, how many Canadian patients on a waiting list die each year? Do you know?
>>>>>>> MARTIN: I don’t, sir, but I know that there are 45,000 in America who die waiting because they don’t have insurance at all.

Anonymous said...

@anonymous Australia,

Viewing the Daily Show in Australia is as hard as getting one of your posts published on the "Ferrerman" site. He obviously thinks I am one of the dickheads that have trolled him. I am one of the few that have actually stood up for him (on many occasions) and gotten trolled myself for doing so. Oh well, thank God I am here, as John S would say, this blog looks kind of lonely.

ex-ferrer said...

IDK who you're talking to, Angelique770, but I think you do.