Saturday, March 29, 2014

Islam keeps us free.

Evidently the Hobby Lobby lobbies more as a habit than as a hobby. I've been reading that they contribute a lot of money to religious political causes. It mightcould be that they seriously envision a Christian America in our not too distant future. They are not alone in that vision.

Frankly, all of the major religions think that they are THE religion and that their manifest destiny is to convert the world to their faith. So, America would be a huge coup for Muslims....or Baptists...Catholics...Mormons... Pretty much everybody but Shakers, Quakers or the Amish want to rule the world.

There's a lot of money involved and, of course power. It really has nothing to do with saving souls no matter what the brochures say.

Our founders saw fit to create a separation of church and state here while ensuring that everyone would have a right to practice their religion. They didn't have to get it right and they didn't even have to practice. They could totally suck at it. The idea was that there would be no state religion- ever.

Well, some people- no matter how much they profess to love the constitution- love Jesus more. Evidently he promises Heaven whereas the constitution does not. There is no proof of deliverance on that promise so you have to take that on faith. We the people have to deal with the Constitution while here on earth. It should be enough that our country allows everyone the freedom of religion but, religion seeks to disallow the freedom of everyone.

We're not a theocracy. We're supposed to hate and fear theocracies when they are Talibangelical. Why embrace them when they're Christian? The recent nonsense in Arizona showed religious law fanatics that, what's good for the Christians is also good for the Muslims and all other religions. Until Christians can change the Constitution of the United States and declare a state religion, laws can't be written that promote one religion over another. Muslims are why the law was denied in Arizona and why Hobby Lobby will be denied in this round of religious legal wrangling.

I don't know if I'm giving credit where credit is due here but, thank God for Muslims guaranteeing our religious freedom, just by existing. Or is that Allah?


Anonymous said...

byline: Deer Whisperer/Luke

Peeps can following the bouncing ball here:

>>>> Hobby Lobby is the largest and only non-Catholic-owned business to file a lawsuit against the Health and Human Services mandate that forces all companies, regardless of religious conviction, to provide coverage of drugs the lawsuit alleges are abortion-inducing, including the morning-after pill and week-after pill.<<<<

Now, there's also heart-burn afoot from religious **institutions** about this, and they assert that their affiliated enterprises, i.e., hospitals that employee ** the public ** should not have to provide contraception as part of insurance benefits.

Of course, in these United States, the individual states have some sort of autonomous policy/statutes regarding work-place discrimination.

And federal laws include this:

Religious Discrimination & Work Situations

The law forbids discrimination when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment.


Well ... giving private corporations, with employment of the ** general public **, status similar to a possible exemption for religious institutions is going to be akin to privatizing our public education system, often being for-profit enterprises. Or, non-profits being run by hedge-fund groups [see latest Bill Moyers story].

Ah ha! and voila!! Declare religious status for everything, and go for tax-exemption entirely. No taxes...sound familiar??

What's in your wallet?

Topix@wikileaks said...

Funny thing is the insurance company under Chris Tolles employee benefits plan won't even pay for a flu shot yet alone an abortion. I doubt the CEO of Hobby Lobby would be providing better insurance then that. Just another excuse from a 99% cheap-0 Republican

I had avocado slices with Himalayan sea salt on Trader Joes crackers for breakfast.

Anonymous said...

byline: Deer Whisperer/Luke

Thanks for scribing this topic, Ferrerman. Well done -- and the same for the other recent essays.

ex-ferrer said...

Thanks, DW and Rose. Hobby Lobby seems a bit hypocritical to me. They invest in pharmaceutical companies and see nothing wrong about that.

Makes me think they are just conservative stooges flailing away at Obamacare. That shit just never gets old....