Thursday, August 30, 2012

Do tell...

There were a lot of sources saying the same thing but, I chose that one because the writer is a Fox contributor. That's kinda unique but it doesn't cement the credibility.  They all agree that Paul Ryan has truthiness issues. Not just him but, pretty much the whole GOP has issues.

I'm used to reading lies on the internet, particularly in the threads. People repeat crazy things and with a bit of checking you realize that their claim comes via Beck or Rush or Michele Malkin and, well, that explains that. Those people are well-paid liars who say the things their candidate  wishes he or she could say but doesn't want to have to answer for. It's Beck's job to talk about FEMA concentration camps and Limbaugh's to rail about the president murdering young, black Somali pirates just trying to make a living... Since these people don't actually work for Romney or the party, they technically don't speak for them and can say whatever they want.

Well now, Ryan seems pretty hands on! He's got NO problem doing his own lying. Is that refreshing or what?

No, not at all. Kinda scary actually. We've got a guy who wants to be vice president who could be a poster on Topix. He repeats the same shit they do. Maybe he's that Denny Crain idiot? He might as well be.

Either he's an idiot like a reichtard Topix poster or he's a liar. Neither is a good thing. The Janesville GM plant closed under GW Bush. Everyone seems to know that but Ryan and the GOP. When it's pointed out to them, they dance like nobody is watching. I do not want that sort of man, a heartbeat away from the presidency. Of course, I don't want Rmoney as president either so, maybe I'm hard to please? If I am not, I'm sure R&R will tell me that I am.

America, you must ask yourself: Do you want to be told that up is down and in is out and night is day? If so, R&R are your men. Well, to hear them tell it, that is.


Maggie said...

I saw six, Romney/Ryan signs on my walk this morning. : (

ex-ferrer said...

That's kinda par for the course in your neck of the woods these days. Did you see Clint last night? Awful. Elderly abuse!