Saturday, August 18, 2012


Recently, Pat Robertson had this to say about adopting international children (and, perhaps, children in general?):

"A man doesn't want to take on the United Nations, and a woman has all these various children, blended family, what is it – you don't know what problems there are. I'm serious. I've got a dear friend, an adopted son, a little kid from an orphanage down in Columbia. Child had brain damage, grew up weird. And you just never know what's been done to a child before you get that child. What kind of sexual abuse has been, what kind of cruelty, what kind of food deprivation, etc. etc." the televangelist said.
Robertson continued: "You don't have to take on somebody else's problems. You really don't. You can help people – we administer to orphans all over the world, we love helping people. But that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm going to take all the orphans around the world into my home.

Read more:

Kinda blows all that prayer shit and trusting in the Lord right out of the water doesn't it?

In other adoption news, a young woman in Georgia was mauled to death by five dogs she adopted. Rebbecca Carey had a loving history of rescuing dogs from abusive situations. That two of the dogs were pit bulls- well, no article I saw said they weren't fighting dogs but, obviously, all five dogs were from some degree of trauma. Your average pooch doesn't turn on someone with kindness in their heart like that.

As it happened, I also saw a network program about people who keep wild animals as pets as well as for fun and profit. In Wisconsin(!) yes, THAT hotbed of jungle life, it is easier to buy a Lion than it is to adopt a kitty cat. Less paperwork anyways. My friend, Thingy, has been contemplating a Bengal Tiger but, that's a story for another day.

I don't care how cute baby lions are and if you raise them in your backyard like you would a kitty cat, they WILL eat you someday. It's in their DNA to do this Yes, they will lick your face and love on you and probably even do these things right up to the fucking second they decide to eat you. It doesn't matter that they've never lived in the wild or conversed with lions who have and might tell them to do this. And it's not just lions. They showed bears and alligators doing this. I KNOW- alligators! Who knew?

Well, I did. I've had kitty cats before. My last cat was a part-timer I called Josey Wales. We got along pretty well but, we had a few fights. I learned that, unlike other cats, he didn't like being long-stroked where you run your hand down the kitty's back and pick up it's tail. Maybe he thought that was kinda gay, I don't know. But, he reacted badly for one who ate my food, damn near drawing blood. He also seemed to think that when he was atop the refrigerator, knocking off junk that I lazily had put up there, that HE was the boss 'cause he had the high ground. He had some catitude!

Well, what's a kitty cat weigh compared to an African lion? Put a few hundred pounds on Josey Wales' catitude and there's a dead Ferrerman ripped to shreds on the couch, and Josey sitting, purring, waiting for that Ferrer to get up and open the door. So, I know that it's stupid to adopt wild animals because they need to be out in the wild, killing at their leisure. Other people find this out the hard way.

But, kids are not wild animals no matter what country they hail from. They shouldn't be dismissed or treated as such. We seem to be getting less civilized the more civilized we get.  


Hegel said...

"Grew up weird"? And Pat Robertson's kids didn't?

'nuff said.

ex-ferrer said...

Maybe they were adopted?

Sue J said...

All these 'born again' Christians seem to select the bits of the Bible that suit their purposes. What happened to 'Suffer the little children...........'? They dwell more on the teachings of the Old Testament than they do on Christ's example. They prefer an eye for an eye rather than turn the other cheek, or love thy neighbour. To be a Christian means to follow Christ's teachings. I think some of them would like to introduce stoning.

I've never been able to understand how Americans can keep exotic animals in their homes. Not long ago that woman's chimp bit the face off her friend. How would you live with that on your conscience?? You can't drop 'em off at the pound when they get too big for the lounge. Ban the lot!

ex-ferrer said...

Part of the problem is people dropping them off *in the wild* when they realize they can't handle them. There have been like 19 alligators in Ohio(!) which is not tropical at all. Evidently Iguanas are popular as well- until they get too big. Same with pythons. One expert tied it in to whatever animal was featured on reality TV show I don't watch, that month as to what exotic creature would be popular. I remember the woman losing her face. Just insane to have something like that around the house. All it takes is for them to have one wild moment...

Pat Robertson is just a sad, old man.

Anonymous said...

Yes dammit! I did a post on this! If you hang out with wild animals, they will at the very least KICK YOUR ASS! Why is this hard to understand?

Sorry to hear about the woman mauled to death. she was just trying to help. Sad.

As far as adoption, I took in a special needs orphan as a foster child and dammit it was hard. You have to be a very very special person to adopt a child period. And I hope that all the very very special people out there continue to do so because we need more people like them and fewer like Pat Robertson

ex-ferrer said...

Absolutely, Trixie! Talk about a "WWJD" circumstance! Good on you for doing that.

I don't recall the stats but there was a ridiculous number of exotic pets in this country. These creatures have a right to live where they belong and where they fit in the food chain. It's insane how legal it is!

Maggie said...

Ick. Another weirdo in the news.

No, I want a panther.