Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hard Knocks College

I attend The College of Hard Knocks. Our football team is old and slow but  makes the morning bowl more often than not. It's been a lot of hard work and studying (including on-line courses) but, yep, there's been some drinking/partying. WOO HOO! You know how college life is! Hazing goes on nearly everyday and consists of life throwing this and that at me in an attempt to test my spirit and my mettle. I never pledged a fraternity though, the following may be why.

Vomit omelets. Some boys at Dartmouth who pledged the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity evidently had to eat vomit omelets as part of the deal. As fun as the alliteration makes it sound, I don't think it was tasty. They also had to swim in a pool of vomit but, just a wading pool's worth because an Olympic pool would have been just silly.

Sheesh. Recently I viewed a porn where four girls had to perform oral on a blind-folded guy to join a sorority. Yeah, right.... It couldn't be a pizza delivery guy or a copy repair guy named Joey Tribiani? Who the hell writes these things?! But, I did notice that the girls seemed rather ill at ease and, frankly, none too skilled. They weren't The Pros From Dover. A dozen or so girls in the room taunting, jeering and cheering all looked like college co-eds to me. But, would educated, regular girls take turns blowing a guy, in the presence of their peers, to gain the acceptance of those young ladies and whatever perks sisterhood brings beyond that? Well, I wouldn't think so.

But then, I wouldn't think people would swim in or eat vomit so, yeah, I think those girls were cocksuckers after all. And those Dartmouth guys are vomit suckers who either forgot to tape the activity or forgot to put it on the 'net. Of the two incidents, I'm more willing to believe the vomit eating. Anybody with a camera can make a porno and it's not hard to find young women needing a few hundred dollars with dreams of show biz. Who knows- maybe Merle Streep got her start that way? And the old Fear Factor show recently returned to TV and people will still eat live bugs and worms if it will get them that much closer to the $50k. (Programing note: The episode where people had to drink donkey semen washed down with donkey piss was apparently too controversial to air so, four people from that episode aren't that much closer after all. I should mention that they didn't have to fellate the donkeys. It's not Tijuana.)

So, vomit omelets? I believe that. I always heard frats did silly, sometimes dangerous things. Vomit probably won't kill you. Chugging a fifth of Jack Daniels has killed many young people. That's just fucking stupid. The College Of Hard Knocks frowns on that.

What's so special about a frat or a sorority? Do these people go on to become Captains of Industry, golf and raid corporations together and get to wink at each other and recall those halcyon college days when they dined on puke together? What price popularity?  Is that what separates the 1% from us? Why don't they just jump people in like the street gangs do? Not elite enough, I guess. I'd rather take the beating. How plebeian!


Anonymous said...

I think they just want to be part of a group. Who knows.

I do know girls who did that though and on multiple occasions! Filming wasn't as popular or easy then as it is now. I bet they're thankful for that!

My son loves Fear Factor so I watch it, well, the parts I can stomach and mostly at the end I realize that I would never make it on that show. Gross

ex-ferrer said...

I don't feel that money justifies everything but, it can often be an explanation for people's motivations. If you want that $50k on FF, ya gotta eats those sheep's eyeballs! I prefer the stunt segments but, if someone can't make it through the eating, they've got no chance despite their physical skills.

I've known guys to be very secretive about their frat hazings. I always assumed this was because it was embarrasing though they acted like it was Top Secret. It's not odd that the girls would do that but, I guess nobody cares about video evidence anymore.

Hegel said...

You'd think once kids finally make it out of high school, which these days not only resembles but operates similarly to the nearest penal institution, they'd enjoy a bit of non-conformity! They're given the opportunity to go to college where they can pursue truly being an individual for the first time in their lives. Why in God's name would they choose to take on one more set of rules and the disgusting initiation process that renders them a follower?

Oh yeah....some people need to feel they're part of a group, like Trixie said. Kids aren't the only ones who do this. That need to feel special because you're part of something exclusive, no matter how much it actually limits you, is among the most annoying of human frailties.

Maggie said...

I'm pushing your button, ferrerman. Come play the game on my blog. : )