Sunday, March 11, 2012

Broken windows


What about them?


I haven't actually heard that but, yes, I suppose I would be. It's a rude word. Though I've been married and divorced one and a half times, I find the word very unappetizing if you know what I mean. Quite unpalatable. I don't like the word.

And Rush Limbaugh did not call Sandra Fluke that word even though he might have been thinking that at the time. He's misogynist and an asshole but, he's also versed in FCC regulations so, he knows where he has to draw his lines.

Rush isn't a comedian either. I had to google Louis CK but, I'm well versed in Bill Maher and think he's both funny and poignant. A lot of comedians work blue, many of them quite well. It's effective when used properly. Depending on who is in the room, I like the dirty talk. Jon Stewart is masterful at it. Even with the bleeps, it's very funny. Sometimes, because of the bleeps it's even funnier.

So, no, I don't approve of calling Palin the c-word. I also don't approve of that being used as turnabout being some sort of 'fair play' with this Limbaugh business. Saying that a woman you don't know IS a 'slut' and a 'prostitute' because she has a different viewpoint on a subject isn't the same. There's zero comedic value to it. It was neither funny nor necessary.

Everything in politics seems to be the playground defense of: "HE STARTED IT!!" This, I think, has been the GOP platform for forever, if not just since the Fall of '08 when they realized they weren't going to retain the White House. They've been demanding reparations ever since.

They are at once disdainful of anyone speaking about GW Bush and are extremely defensive about him. It's like Bush is a four letter word. Democrats and the liberal media were, indeed, pretty hard on Bush. We think it was because he was an idiot who invaded the wrong country and fought two unfunded wars....amongst other indiscretions of office. They think it's because we're mean. So, since we were tough on Bush then and now, this justifies anti-Obama sentiment. Payback, they say, is a bitch. Some say it's a motherfucker. At the very least, I guess, it's to be expected in politics.

When I was maybe five, probably younger than in my avatar, the older boy next door broke a window at our house. I don't remember if this was on accident or purposedent. But, my young Ferrer self was pissed and I marched over and broke a basement window at their house. It seemed like the thing to do at the time. He was older and bigger and I couldn't beat him up but, I sure could get even!

Dad didn't appreciate this any more than the neighbors did. He beat my ass pretty good when he got home. I learned about consequences that day. Cause and effect. Do unto others.... Wonderful cliches and axioms abound. All of them true. Most of them lost on republicans though. Will they ever learn? Depends on who starts, I guess....


Maggie said...

I will have to look up Maher's recent tweet in defense of Rush, I'm not sure if he was being sarcastic but I found his remark offensive. I think he called the liberals a bunch of vigilantes. I say, BS. He lost some points.

ex-ferrer said...

I had not heard about that. Politics does make strange bedfellows, I guess.

ex-ferrer said...

Here ya go, Thingy:

Maggie said...

Here's the tweet. "Hate to defend Rush Limbaugh but he apologized liberals looking bad not accepting Also hate intimidation by sponsor pullout."

Intimidation!!?? Yeah, he went too far with that tweet, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Interesting opinion Ferr.