Thursday, May 8, 2014

But first, a word from our sponsor

Of course, we're a nation of masturbators.

I don't know why we don't start all our government meetings with everyone masturbating.

Wait- I probably meant "Christians" and "praying". They like to say we're a Christian nation but, according to Wiki, 73% of us Americans identify as Christians. With 99.9% of us having genitals, I'm going to speculate that if 73% of us admit to masturbating, the other 27% are liars.

So, while 73% is a lot and even a majority, we're still not a Christian nation because the first amendment to the Constitution says that "....Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."

That means we can not only not be officially a Christian nation, we can't be officially Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, etc. either.  No state religion. So, no Church of England. No Sharia Law. Thomas Jefferson wrote of the need for separation of church and state and I don't think any of the other founders disagreed about that. Neither did the Supreme Court until recently. They haven't taken a sledgehammer to the 1A like it's an outdated kitchen on the DIY Network. It's more a systematic dismantling that'll take a little time. The Supremes ruled that it's OK for the town meetings in Greece, NY to begin with a religious invocation. Change it up to vary religions is fine. Give everybody a chance. That's kinda fair. Personally, I say leave all religion out of government but- admittedly- that's hard to do.

And Christians, if you give them an inch, they think it's a yard. One of the arguments for us clearly being a Christian nation is that it says "In God We Trust" on our money. That happened in 1956 and the phrase that pays started appearing on our money in '57. That was during the Cold War when we found Jesus and he delivered us from the communists. It was in that same decade that "under God" was added to the Pledge Of Allegiance, also to ward off or weed out commies.  Christians believe these words have been American since for the entire 6000 year history of the world. That's fine. Wrong but, fine. 

The founders knew that religion could really make people crazy and that a state religion would be officially crazy. Thus, the separation of church and state. If you want the Vatican to run your life, you can have that. But if your neighbor, Schlomo MacGuillacudy,  doesn't want the Vatican running his life, in America he has that choice. Unless you are crazy, that makes perfect sense. I don't know why Christians have such a hard time with this.  The way it is now, all religions are welcome. The way Christians are seeing it, only Christian religions count and should be welcome. The way it would be if made 'official' is, the winning religion after years of bloodshed would actually be officially official. If you are unsure about this, google: "world history". You'll see that religion and/or God is generally the leading call to arms.

It must be human nature that people can't be content with their own freedom, that they must covet their neighbors freedom as well. Like, how wonderful can my freedom be when my neighbor is also free? What if he has more freedom than me? And if everybody is free, isn't freedom diluted? Freedom Lite? That's the way people are. It's probably explained in a book somewhere.

So, end of the world up there in Greece, NY? Yeah, probably. The view is getting clearer at least. Religion is the opiate of the masses and, that means it's a great way of controlling people. But, you've got to get everybody on the same page. That takes coercion, either literal or figurative. It's never easy telling people what they want. It should not be. 

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