Thursday, February 23, 2012

Four More Years!

Lately it seems that Barack Obama is running unopposed for his second term as president. There are still four GOP pretenders in the mix but they don't always seem to be running against him.

Rick Sanrorum seems to be going against JFK to be the first Catholic president of the United States and has an eye on staving off the sexual revolution of the 60's that brought us the pill, abortion and orgasms. Good luck with that, Rick.

I'm not sure but, Newt Gingrich might also be running against JFK, trying to one-up him on the space program by never minding putting a man on the moon, Newt will have Moon colonies in his second term! Wow. That is bold. And with Civil Rights on the table of the time, methinks that Newt might be looking to shelve that. He doesn't ever actually say that but, well, golly he comes close.

Mitt Romney is running against FDR. He wants to get rid of all those socialist programs that Roosevelt gave birth to and I'm thinking he would like to try his hand at being a World War-time president.

Ron Paul seems to be opposing George Washington in his life-long quest to become Father Of Our Country.

Well, OK, it seems like that's what these knuckleheads are up to. When they're not running against the past, they do pay lip service to the actual current race to become the guy who will lose to Obama. Things aren't looking good there, though. As Bill Maher recently put it, "Unemployment is down, confidence is up, DOW 5,000 above Bush - or as Republicans put it, let's talk about gay people and abortion!"  I love that guy!

So, that's why their running against the past. It's all they've got. I truly think they secretly want to lose again like they did in '08. Four years ago, John McCain didn't really want to be the guy to un-fuck eight horrible years of Bush but, he and they had to field a team and put on a show. It was expected of them. The easiest thing to do was lose and then rally the troops to denigrate the winner and sabotage him at all costs. Mitch McConnel made this clear very early into Obama's first term when he declared that his only goal was to make Obama a one term president. Only goal! It was already the worst recession since The Great Depression and this was his priority. Lord, I know he's from Kentucky but I didn't think he was that Southern. It is exactly like the Southern attitude after the Civil War; the attitude of we didn't really lose and we're not really a part of all this and we will rise again....

Now, you can argue that 2012 would be a good time to regain the White House because Obama has- against the odds- improved things despite their worst efforts. But, that's the double-edged sword of duplicity. Any intelligent person knows that the GOP has done nothing to deserve the White House. Why change horses in mid-stream when the lead horse is doin a fine job of getting you to the other bank?

They still think NOT taxing rich people is the way to go and that getting rid of abortion and gay marriage is the way to fix the economy? Puhleeze. Save that shit for the peanut gallery of Topix and choir of Foxnews. The people are not having any of that. We're better than that and we'll prove it in November.


Maggie said...

People need to vote, but I'm feeling more confident each day that Obama will serve another term. I won't do the happy dance, yet, but...

ex-ferrer said...

Bill Maher donated $1 million to an Obama Superpac after listening to many celebrities talk about it being a sure thing that Obama would win re-election. He's got some cash behind him but, with the Kochsucker brothers and their buddies putting up $100 million to go against him, evil could outspend him. Never minding they don't have anyone who can beat him, they can out-spend him, and beat him. Then we lose.