Saturday, December 10, 2011

And another thing....

Absolutely worse than closet case teapublicans are the republican candidates I watched tonight being interviewed by Mike Huckabee and three state's attorney generals. Yikes.

If you believe that our Civil War WAS NOT AT ALL ABOUT SLAVERY and was strictly about STATE'S RIGHTS amongst states that (IRONY ALERT!) just happened to disagree about slavery then, you might be surprised to learn that our next civil war could very well be about states rights.

Not a good idea then, nor now. The AG's, even the spankable blonde one, scared me more than the candidates. Well, maybe. Ron Paul was there....Newt....Perry....I think Santorum showed....both Romney's showed.... The usual suspects minus that Herman Palin dude.

BIG GOVERNMENT has been in the news since the day Barack Obama got elected and increased the government by one black guy, causing much consternation amongst the second-place finishers who felt government could get smaller by getting him out and one of theirs in. I've done the math and that works out to an even trade actually.

So, that math might have occured to them too so, they decided to also focus on trying to eliminate other portions of government that weren't Obama but they didn't like either. You know- stuff like the EPA, FDA, and other letters of the alphabet that might cost money and inhibit growth amongst the 1-2%  that we exist for.

Well, that's just my insane liberal opinion. Using math again, I factored in their desire to end Social Security, Welfare, Unemployment Compensation- anything that costs money that could be used in the Wall Street Casinos instead, and their anti-alphabet sentiments, carried the anti-Obama sentiment and figured;  teapublicans are greedy assholes.

Part of me thinks those things were smokescreens, at least at first. Candidates and parties make promises that sound great but aren't always doable. Guantanamo, for example. Candidate Obama says he's going to close it. President Obama found out that's easier said than done. These current GOPers can talk all they want about building electrified fences with "boots on the ground" and drones but, once they (shudder) get in the White House, they'd find there's no money for that. Maybe because they lowered taxes on their rich friends?

And part of their small government agenda is turning over more power to the states themselves. Let the states decide education, abortions, who can sit at lunch counters (and who can't) and lot's of yada-yada stuff. Let the states redecide for themselves all the stuff that happened in the few hundred years. In short, make each state it's own BIG GOVERNMENT. Huh? One big government is too much but 50 is just right?


Anonymous said...

...'bout time for a new post isnt it?

Just sayin

ex-ferrer said...

I'll check and see what's under the tree....

Anonymous said...

Must be a big tree.

Just sayin!

ex-ferrer said...

Lot's of presents!