Friday, January 10, 2014

Patriot Pay Day!

Maybe we've been going at this minimum wage thing all wrong? What if we lowered everyone's pay instead?

I don't know everyone and it might seem kind of presumptuous and assholey of me to think everyone makes too much money, but that's a pretty big club. You, me- we all fit right in.

 Seriously, anyone who thinks $7.25 an hour is "plenty" or even "too much" to live on, ought to try it. Put your pocketbook where your mouth is. Help a country out.

If you can sit there, presumably fat and sassy, at your computer and say that $10 an hour or the $15 many economists say would be closer to being in-line with current cost of living is too much or that it would hurt the economy, they I can feel free to believe you make too much money. You're hurting the economy. Cut it out!

Cut your pay. Don't be chintzy either. Take it down to the $7.25 an hour you think is just fine and even a living wage for others. You'll be alright just like they would be alright. You know this because you said so yourself. You weren't lying about that, were you?

What might be the benefits of such a mass, across-the-board pay savings to America? Well, prices would go down, I guess. I mean, if they would surely rise with an increase to the minimum, they'd surely plummet if everybody took a massive pay cut. That's Economics 101. I'm not the internet economist that other people are but, low labor costs are the key to low, low prices. volume. Volume. VOLUME!

And, for those of you who still believe in trickle down after 30 plus years of that fantasy, profits would fucking jump! That can't ever be a bad thing, can it?

Isn't it time the country pulled together like this? If half the country knows people can live cheerfully on the minimum, lets make it the maximum for all of us. No, not the job creators. They can't live on the minimum. They are not as strong as we are. They can't survive without tax breaks. We can. It hurts them- physically- to pay taxes. Subsequently, many don't despite having  billions of dollars they could be using to pay for roads, schools and the etc's of life in America that make us awesome, despite those etc's being socialist as all get out. 

But you know, if I say that Mr Exxon or Mr Walmart "make too much money", I raise the ire of dipshits all over the internet who will call me a communist. Somehow, they have been told that taxing rich folks is "redistribution of wealth". Worse, the stupid fuckers believe this. They say: "How can you say $100 Billion is 'too much'?" That's just idiotic. The same folks say $15 an hour is "too much". Idiots.

Idiocy though, can be forgiven. Assholicy, can not.

Talk to your boss. Take that cut. Live on the Federal minimum wage . Treat yourself. We'll throw in welfare- if you qualify and if it's still there. And by all means, keep your insurance. You owe it to yourself and, you can afford it!.  Really, you owe it to America. Don't we all owe it to our job creators? They think we do.

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