Monday, October 22, 2012

You didn't build that!

Barack H, Obama did not personally shoot Osama Bin Laden. He merely gave the order, something anyone could do.

Well, anybody but George Bush, I guess, but, I digress...

I saw an interesting internet meme today, on the internet actually...which- BTW- Al Gore did NOT build. It noted that the great Generals of our history, from George Washington to Eisenhower, did not actually single-handedly win any battles or wars they were involved in. They just gave the orders. History gives these men the credit and blame and lauds them as heroes  even though thousands of other men do the actual fighting and killing and dying. That's the way that works. We accept that.

Henry Ford didn't actually build the Model T's. In fact, if you were broke down on the side of the road whether in a Model T or a brand new Ford, it probably wouldn't be much good to have the late, great Henry or his great-grandson who heads the company now, with you. They didn't actually build the cars, you see. They could, at best, give you a 'great deal' on a new one though even though they don't literally sell the cars either. What the heck do they do?!

It's pretty neat though that Henry Ford got the financing together and created the assembly line process to crank out automobiles for the masses at a competitive price. It's doubly neat that he paid the line workers enough so that they could afford to buy the cars they made! The guy must have been a communist or something... So, maybe he didn't have mad mechanical skills (and, maybe he did- I don't actually know) but, it's safe to say he made all those cars happen. That's what Henry did and, to a lesser extent, that's what his progeny does. It's pretty neat, just the same. I can't say that my great-grandfather could or could not have done that. I can only report that he did not.

So, if any teapublican asshole feels the need to severely downplay Obama's roll in the killing of Osama Bin Laden, they better be ready and willing to downplay any aspirations for Willard Mittens Rmoney to actually go over to Iran and kick their asses, 'cause that's not gonna happen. Not even with tough guy Tagg on his wing. Iran is not some allegedly gay kid who Rmoney feels needs a haircut.

And they better accept the fact that, though Rmoney did not physically load the cargo ships with American people's hopes and dreams while he was at Bain, and personally steer the boat to China, he built the fucking company that made that happen. Yeah, he 'built' that. He made that happen. And he made fucking hundreds of millions of dollars doing it.

Why is he admired for that...success? Couldn't any asshole do that? Mafia guys do that. See "Goodfellas".

Mittens got off to a pretty good start in life. Daddy had some money. So, prep school and Harvard pretty naturally led to a career in business. His dad had a car company and, though he didn't literally build the cars himself, he made lots of money giving the orders. I think I might have liked his dad. He employed people. You could actually drive one of his products and know that, in buying one of his cars, you made the lives of hundreds (thousands?) of people better, through your purchase.

There is no brick and mortar business with this Rmoney. There is no building you can drive past and say: "That's Rmoney & Sons! My uncle works there making widgets! Great job! Great product! But two!"

Rmoney makes money with money. He doesn't even actually print the money he makes. It just seems that way...

That is my beef with Rmoney. He didn't literally build a fucking thing in life. He built a personal fortune but, he built it at the very personal expense of others who actually made a living making things. He's not a job creator. He's a job destroyer. Creating jobs, he makes a living. Destroying jobs, he makes a fortune!

I joke that, as president, Rmoney will sell off lesser-performing states like Mississippi and Arkansas after first gutting them of their resources and bankrupting them. I kid but, he'll probably do just that. He does believe that the Federal government shouldn't own land like Yosemite and few thousand other parks and that land should be sold to private enterprise whom may profit from them. I guess our public lands, which were largely the idea of republican Teddy Roosevelt (though he didn't literally plant the trees...) are communist. Well, we can't have THAT! If you've ever been to Yosemite and and never shook your head at the complete lack of oil rigs and/or million dollar homes, then you deserve to be poor! You have no vision!

Vision is all Rmoney has. But, it's a tunnel vision of profit for his friends and family only though. That's it. That's what he does. Worse, that's what he will do.

We can't let him do that. We the people built this country. We the people shouldn't let him destroy it.


Barbi said...

I feel that a man can just be TOO privileged to run this country. Not our country, not a democracy.

ex-ferrer said...

Ya know, they probably under report his money to (somehow) make him more 'palatable' to the voters. I've heard he's really a billionaire. I look at other billionaires, like Richard Branson, and I think: "Why is Mittens such a LOSER!?" If Branson can have that kinda dough, why can't Rmoney? Why didn't he apply himself more?