Thursday, December 1, 2016

Holes In Her Stalkings

One of the features of Blogger is that they give you stats so that you can know where your blog traffic comes from. This can be useful information. Sometimes it can be a little disturbing too.

Recently I noticed that one of the traffic sources was a gay porn site. Yikes. I also use a service called Statcounter. This not being a well-traveled blog, I went to stat counter to see what IP matched up with that visitor. Turned out to be Oviedo, Florida. That's CrunchyBacon territory! Regular non-readers know that Crunchy is the stalker also know as "Sam" and the original character of "Angelique770".

We never believed that A770 was an actual woman any more than we believed she was an actual therapist. The internet is a place where you can be all that you can be. You can be a Vietnam veteran, a lawyer or a therapist. And you can be a woman even with male genitalia. As the MTV show "Catfish" has documented a few thousand times, it's quite common for men to masquerade as women and vice versa. Nothing is out of the realm of possibility in these Trumpy times. It's not our president-elect's fault, of course. I simply mean that a billionaire populist was elected by the great unwashed of America to "drain the swamp of DC" and, well, he hasn't come close to doing that. Very Trumpy, indeed.

We also found it hard to believe that A770 as a woman would devote (now) eight years of *her* life to stalking the likes of this Ferrerman. I've been with some crazy women but they all gave up and moved on relatively quickly when things ended. And this one I had had nothing remotely resembling a romance with, by any stretch of the imagination. I don't even think he *thinks* so.

So, why does this guy still obsess over me? Why am I the overwhelming concern in his life?

I have no fucking idea. How do you rationalize mentally ill people? I don't know what set the asshole off. It might be as simple as my having busted the whole silly therapist scam years ago. Much of obsession is based in revenge. It's curious where some people draw their lines in life. I recall a guy we threw out of a bar once damn near broke his hands pounding on the back door of the bar to get in so he could be thrown out the front door like his buddies. Mind you, they were all outside at the time. That's what he told us. Hard to argue with such logic.

I don't know if CrunchySam770 runs the gay porn site or how he uses it to view the blog. That's above my cyber paygrade! He claims to be a software developer and a professional gamer though.  He uses it, a Youtube proxy, and a variety of other proxies to view this blog and, of course, to troll me and others on Topix. Many of the usual *Sam* locations show up on the Stats as well as Topix. Again, not a well-read blog so, it's pretty easy to match up who is who.

I'm not upset that a gay man is stalking me, posting songs and house pics in the CrunchyBacon voice and frequent references to cocksucking and cum, usually in the *Sam* voice, all over Topix. I wouldn't want a woman doing that either! I'd rather not have anyone stalking me at all. But, you can't pick your stalkers, can you? For whatever insane reason, they pick you. Only they know.


Seashore said...

Careful, one of the personalities will start writing stories about us again. LOL! Last time you could tell when the mania began and the medication kicked in. Fascinating stuff. Afterward the Susan character had to make her rounds to assure people she's not mentally ill by asking to become friends. So sweet:) Things get frantic in the aftermath and there are always slip-ups where one of them doesn't look up and, oops....the house of cards falls. Again. So back to trolling and months of identity separation.

But we believe it's got a big, amazing life. Sure we do! The stock/stolen photos and endless details that normal people don't share are sooo convincing!

How amazing it is that it's compartmentalized so much time, energy and thought into obsessing over you for eight years while living such a full life. Goodness me. *There's a reason it knows so much about mental illness terminology and treatment.*


ex-ferrer said...

I had almost forgotten about the stories! They were insipidly bad. They'll probably get worse since they'll never get better.