Monday, March 9, 2015

The Party Of Treasonous Assholes

Well now, how do you like them rotten apples?

This is a week after Congress invites Netanyahu to come and address them without involving The President in the invite. Congress is not supposed to be doing that. Nor are they supposed to be writing letters to foreign countries about how they'll undo stuff that Obama does. I think Iran is well aware they'll be dealing with Hillary Clinton after '16. They are probably glad of that. They may be crazy but, they're probably not stupid. This isn't the party of Reagan willing to deal arms. This is the party of Armageddon.

But, ya what? It's the the thought that counts. Where did we get these fucking asshole republicans?

This is the self-proclaimed "party of personal responsibility" yet their approach to politics is lawsuits, endless, hopeless votes in the House about Obamacare, the notion that everything President Obama does is an impeachable 'offense' and now- that they just don't have to listen to him. Treasonous fucks.

Regular non-readers know of the weirdos I've written about over the years, the obsessed freaks with their sad, anti-Ferrerman sentiment. Well, it's as if these assholes leaped from these pages, landed in Congress, and mistook Barack Obama for Ferrerman. Denny Crain, for example, if you've ever seen his magic videos on Youtube, might as we be Lindsay Graham. No need to break down all these freaks as many are redundant, given that they are totally fabricated socks. The point being, these mopes in congress are no better than chat room mopes like Sublime1 and various incarnations of Sam's, Susan's and Crunchy Bacons. They are trolls. Congress is trolling the President!

The whole country should be embarrassed. Certainly anyone connected with the GOP should be. My trolls don't have to face anyone in real life and own up to their trollish behavior but assholes like Ted Cruz, Graham, Rubio and Rand Paul can go on the Sunday shows and defend their petulance.

If you don't ever look at Topix, it is as if every troll you've ever read on the comments of anything ever on Facebook or any other venue on the internet got elected as a teapublican to congress. These congressmen really do represent those idiots. And, they do it with a passion, and with no shame whatsoever.

I don't know how America can show it's face to the rest of the world as these fuckers show our ass. They truly are pathetic and treasonous. Fucking assholes.

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