Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Young Savages

Well, I looked at YouTube and I could find Matt Dillon (the actor, not the Marshal) saying: "You get tough- like me- and you don't get hurt!"  Damn shame because it's so fitting in these times. I found him saying: "Let's do it for Johnny!" though: to that as "Ronnie" and think of Reagan and you'll get the gist of how many of our teapublican friends view the future of our country.

Representative Don Young, a republican asshole in Alaska told a bunch of school kids that suicide didn't exist in Alaska until "government largesse" took over. In his old, warped mind, the gubmint tells people they are weak, gives them stuff, and then they become weaker. It's no wonder they kill themselves. They need to chop wood, catch fish and kill animals to get over it. Sheesh. Does he not watch the hundreds of shows on cable about Alaska? Those fuckers are crazy! Ten months of winter might do that to them. Half of them do hunt, fish and chop wood. Those that don't fish for crab, dive for gold or drive trucks on ice. And they drink A LOT and have guns laying about and I suspect that leads to their high rate of suicide, combined with the weather and I think all those factors contribute rather than big gubmint. BTW, every citizen of Alaska receives a check from the Permanent Fund Dividend courtesy of the state and its business with the oil companies. It varies from year to year but it has been up over two grand. To qualify you need be a citizen with at least one years residency. I should point out that this was not a Barack Obama idea and that during her half-term as governor, Sarah Palin never complained about it. Some handouts must be better than others.

On teapublican radio, pundit Michael Savage recently went absolutely nutsy coocoo about how weak Americans are, particularly those who suffer depression, including our soldiers who have PTSD.

Read that and click on the Soundcloud. Yikes. Savage does not support the troops. Or anyone really except successful, happy job creators, I guess.

There's a lot of crazed teapublicans out there, some on the radio and far too many in office. It's amazing in a country like this even though it's a country like this that allows such speech to happen. The ironic thing is that, should the Young Savage's...ever come to power, there won't be such free speech any more. No room for dissent in the next America. What kinda pussy are you that you would accept rights given to you?


ex-ferrer said...

I couldn't see anywhere where he served in combat and I seriously doubt he did. Not with that attitude. He's a typical bagger who thinks "support the troops" ends when they get killed or discharged. There has always been PTSD. It's only recently been defined and we're beginning to understand. Well, some of us are... Honestly, when I heard his name, I thought: "The gay guy? Really? No way!" That's the other Savage though, Dan. No relation.

Topix@wikileaks said...

You are so funny!! Gotta say, your current Topix manifestation (and there have been many) comes off as kinda weak. You deserve better.

Anyhow, my take on Republicans is that they tend to be criminals. Think about CEO Chris Tolles. He's one lucky schmuck. He allows for every perversion under the sacred heading of free speech. Yet, he can't even spend three minutes on his own cash cow before deleting other(s) opinions. You know that old saying "you protest to much"? Every rabid Republican is usually holding onto a dark secret. Something the opposite of their public persona.

And speaking of following the party line, Did you catch this?

Luv these kids

BTW; May I suggest you go behind the curtain of Blogger and see if you can add face book and twitter at the bottom of your posts. I've been tweeting you but it would save me an extra step.

ex-ferrer said...

Cheap, sordid anti-Ferrerman sentiment ruined Topix and now they think that the same tact will save it? Pshaw!

I was looking at the new parts of Topix and they are kinda hard to find! Hegel had to link me Politix and I guess Google is the best way to find the other forums. It looks like Topix doesn't even care about Topix anymore. They might be hiding from Sue and Kevin....

You've been tweeting me? I don't tweet! How would I know what you tweet?

Wikileaks@topix said...

Yup, thats what they told us at the Monday morning meeting. Sue and Kevin seem to have disappeared. Which explains the absence of Godsmacked..... that is until she reads this comment and shows up like a beam of sunshine.

By gawd, it's a miracle!!!

In the meantime Kevin's put on his superhero underoos once again. The weasel guarding the hen house. You know, protecting all his super young female FB friends from the local deviants.

About tweeting; it's a feature you can put at the end of your blog posts. Just like putting in a FB option. They show up as icons. When someone selects the FB option, it goes up on there FB page. Same with Twitter. Just my humble opinion, but I think it would be great if you gathered a larger audience. Your such a good blogger - and trust me on this, I read quite a few blogs so I'm in a position to know.

ex-ferrer said...

Well, spank you very much for the kind compliment!

I didn't see a doohicky for either tweets of facebook (is facebook still a thing?) but, I'll look again.