Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Pro Boner Trolling

I found this to be rather entertaining:

"There is nothing you can do on here, tho. Even mods are impotent. Other than deleting posts quite some time after they are posted, there is nothing that can be done, because they just switch IP addresses.

I believe it is possible topix could have standing to sue people who continue to post on here after being banned and told they are not welcome... for cyber-harassment. The laws, especially in California are quite strong. Topix does suffer a direct injury because of such behavior and if you have told people they are not welcome to post, a court would be sympathetic, especially with the behavior of some of these people. It would be a novel claim, but a lot of lawyering is thinking outside of the box like this. Topix has really been harmed by trolls"


This was a post by Lifestyles And Entertainment editor of Topix, Sublime1. With absolutely no irony felt, he was making the post to Troll Mod *Susan*. Though not even licensed to practice law in the state he works in, he's contemplating the merits of representing Topix- clear across the country-  in a case against various trolls. If this were a Perry Mason case, it would be called: "THE CASE OF THE IDIOT POSTER TRYING TO KILL THE GOLDEN GOOSE EVEN THOUGH NO ONE ASKED HIM TO BECAUSE THAT WOULD JUST BE A DUMB, STOOPIT THING TO DO."

You see, folks, the business model of Topix was built on anonymous trolling. That would be some yummy irony if they did sue anonymous people for "injury" because, that's their business! 

But, forget about that. Ain't no jackleg patent attorney suing anybody (FOR FREE!!!!!!) on behalf of Topix. Sub musta had a five martini  lunch and started believing his own press because he went on to say that the Chicago lawyers he beat up for mishandling his daddy's case are refunding every single penny daddy paid them (teach them not to not do as good a job as Sub would) and they'll re-sue (at their expense!) and win this time or Sub will sue them for malfeasance for losing again. Some shit like that. One more martini and he's surely be balling their wives....

Anyway, as a poster pointed out, Topix COULD require people to register to post and that would stop unregistered people from posting. They could do that but, they won't. They want grays posting. Duh! Another poster pointed out that Sub was using a fake profile of his and that he was making the complaint to the Troll Mod Susan who, his/herself has a couple hundred profiles. Him/her may be a real-life Sybil but, not to the tune of 200 legitimate profiles. But, that's Topix- people claim over and over that they had the "guts" to register and post with their "real" profile. Huh? Show me your drivers license with "Hillbilly Dragon Dick Licker" on it. Now THAT would show some guts!

Sigh. So, the Speaker Of The House is suing Barack Obama. Sheesh. Lot's of butthurt idiots out there. Hey Boehner! I know a fiscally conservative lawyer out your way that will do the job FOR FREE!



Topix@wikileaks said...

Anyone who uses that tired phrase "thinking outside of the box " is incapable of doing so.

ex-ferrer said...

I always wonder, what the hell are they doing in the box in the first place? What were they thinking????

I want a susan lea three way said...

I read those posts while laughing aloud, no damages no tort

A better case could be made for butt hurt posters suing topix.

It was the typical impotent threat of real life legal ramifications coming from a topix civil case or law enforcement being sent to stop the troll


It's a Big Life said...

Poor Sublime, always looking for an opportunity to play the hero and be seen as best in show! In this case, even if he has to post delusional theories about Topix that are highly illogical in order to get him there. And like you said, he said it all to Sewerbreath! Holy shit is that some funny stuff.

He and Perse are quite a pair, aren't they? Him being such a legal expert and Perse with her posts about mental health. One day she'll figure out that being a typist for mental health professionals doesn't make you one, anymore than changing mufflers makes you a NASCAR driver. LMAO

Sunshine State of Mind said...

Sublime1 was a big baby back when I posted with him. Don't know if you remember but he admittedly got his feelings hurt and was angry at a bunch of us for asking him not to write such long posts. This was back on that Kittens thread.

His posts were hard to read and we asked nicely! He went off on us and said we deserved his nastiness. At that time he said he was quitting but I see that never happened. Glad I don't have to pretend to like him anymore.