Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Today's special guest blogger is "Mikey " who often disagrees with me about everything.

We live in a country whose economy is so fragile, that people buying houses they could not afford, plunged the entire country into the worst recession since The Great Depression. The most brilliant Wall Street minds could not prevent that!

Our president- Kenyan born, BTW- is openly try to get the entire nation on welfare and will most assuredly confiscate all weapons, as early as tomorrow. (HUGE Dick's sale on ammo, BTW. Better stock up so the government hurts their backs confiscating that ammo!)

And in this nation, clearly a Christian nation as the founders intended, you can't even wish someone a MERRY CHRISTMAS because of pending Sharia Law or the ACLU or something! The point is, you can't have a Nativity scene, on city land and that means your house is next.

I could go on and on about Obama. Did you know we the people pay for his vacations??!! Yep! He flies on AIR FORCE ONE with his family and with Secret Service personnel that WE pay for! What the fuck??!! Bush used to drive his own self down to Crawford to clear brush on his ranch. Reagan stayed home with mommy. Sheesh. Stop the spending already!

What I'm trying to say is, Obama is taking away our light bulbs! We are having those CFL's (Compact Fluorescent Lights(?) not Canadian Football League as originally reported) shoved down our throats again. Not literally. Not yet.....but, ouch! That can't be good going in or coming out.

Did you also know that the government is SPENDING MONEY??!! They never did this when Reagan was in charge! It's become quite clear that they have been collecting taxes to have this money to spend. This development is in no way a good thing.  They take the money from middle class people and redistribute it to the poor people when common sense says the poor should pay something since they get so much free stuff. Like free visits to the Emergency Room and prison which has cable TV.

The point is (and I'm just alleging that there is a point because democrats will refute this) that we can make this our last annoying election if we just do the Christian thing and vote in ALL teapublicans in '14 and, of course, for POTUS in '16. It's the one sure way of eliminating the disgusting voter fraud perpetrated by democrats at a shocking rate of .0044%. We can eliminate that. Did anyone notice that Blacks- who had historically only voted for White candidates in presidential elections- suddenly voted for a BLACK Barack Obama in '08? Coincidence or racism? He was supposed to be a "uniter"? As if.  Look what he did. We were all getting along so well until he ruined everything.

We have got to take back our country now before Obama takes it away. That can happen as soon as tomorrow.


Sue J said...

Is this post a joke??

Anonymous said...

byline: Deer Whisperer/Luke

Lawd! From this powerful message I have seen the light!

In two shakes of a lamb's tail I'm gonna burn my Pete Seeger/The Weavers/Eugene V. Debs/Mother Jones/Woody Guthrie Sanctified Sycophant Membership Card.

What was true is myth; what was myth is truth.

I am eternally indebted to be set on this Rightful path.