Monday, September 23, 2013

American Acceptionalism

Why not shut the government down? Why not treat the United States of America (USA) as if it's an episode of "Bar Rescue"?

Well, because that's stupid. You just can't shut down the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD for a few days and expect to retain that title. I mean, you can because it's all marketing, lip service anyway but, it doesn't do much for the credibility of the slogan or the country. You can shut down little countries for a few days, paint and remodel and reopen under a new name. Europe has been doing this for centuries. You just don't do it with the big ones.

Let's face it- if we were so "great" would the second place finishers from the last election be shutting down the government? Should that happen in THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!!!?
Of course not.

But, it can happen here. What's that tell ya?

The teapublicans have not been getting their way. They lost the last two presidential elections (to a black guy!!!) after having barely won the two previous ones. There had been some questionable officiating... Let's just leave it at that. They haven't cleanly won an election since the first George Bush back in the 20th century. Very telling.

Their whole political thing is opposite day. Whatever the democrats want to do, they policy is to do the opposite. Don't you secretly wish Obama would make an Executive Order that no republicans or tea partiers can play in traffic or on the 3rd rail of train tracks so that we could be done with this shit?

But, that's not GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!!!! caliber stuff either. We're actually better than that. So far....

We're seemingly headed there though. There is, in my opinion, no greater threat to America than Americans. Americans are not only the ones shooting up the place, they are the ones screaming for more guns to shoot the place up with! More defend ourselves

We don't even want to feed poor children any more. It's not because we can't or can't afford to. It's because WE DON'T WANT TO. How fucking sad is that? The GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD and the most patriotic among us want to save money by NOT feeding poor children and their families.

This fiscal conservatism befuddles me. I haven't heard what they intend to do with the money saved by cutting out social programs. All that money has to go somewhere. When the housing market collapsed and Wall Street went haywire, all that money went somewhere. If you or I lose money, it doesn't cease to exist. It goes into someone else's pockets. The rich got richer because of the Bush financial debacle. Rich people are businessmen. How much is enough? It is never enough. NEVER.

The teapublicans are not sitting around dreaming up ways to make less money any more than the democrats are. Your taxes are NOT going to go down just because they're letting old people and children starve. It's foolish to think they would. Cantor and Ryan aren't revolutionaries looking to give the power back to the people even though they act like that is the idea behind "small government". Do they even look like plan to? They're businessmen. Small government means letting corporations run wild. At least Castro dressed the part. These fuckers aren't fooling anybody but their choir. If you cut out $4 billion a year from the SNAP program, it goes somewhere else. These people hate spending unless its on yachts and homes and wars. Tell me what could possibly be better to spend that money on than hungry children and old people? Think carefully. We already have plenty of money for war and roads and other stuff. We've got the money. There are no children starving in America because we are blowing huge chunks of money...on starving children...

In the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, the second place finishers from the last election think that they can win next time by shutting down the government, not paying bills and not feeding hungry children. And they want Americans to go along with this. And, eventually, we all will.

No wonder assholes don't bother to fly jetliners into buildings anymore. They don't need to. Terrorists just can't compete with our politicians.

American exceptionalism.  It's just not what it used to be.


ex-Badcat said...

There are two reasons for the Republicans to go to war or send miliary aide to foreign countries. The first is that it creates more demand for the peoducts produced by defense related industries resulting in more money for the already wealthy business owners. The second reason is to support whatever group of people who will kowtow to American business interests at the expense of the citizens of that country.

ex-Badcat said...

A government shutdown backfired on Newt Gingrich almost two decades ago. When is Bonehead (I mean Boehner) going to get the clue? People are getting tired of his crocodile tears.