Wednesday, June 27, 2012

We'll always have Paris

I think I'd vote for Mitt Romney if only he were honest. If he came right out and said:

"Lookie here- if you vote for me, all this shit stops. We'll quit trying to ruin the economy to get one of us, well, ME elected and we'll just cut to the chase of making Amercia...the oligarchy it HAS to be. I'm just gonna be in charge for one day, long enough to sign everything they put in front of me and then I'm off to the horse sport thing I do. You know we're all about keeping this stuff simple and we know you folks are tired of Fox's whining and our obstructing Obama and I promise you there will be no future obstructing because that's one of the things i'll sign off on, my day in office. No more democrats! No more liberals! obstruct if there are no obstructionists looking to get even with us for obstructing. You know you want it. No more arguing about unions and wages and those stupid teachers...well, I'm just getting ahead of myself here... The point is, you want it to stop. You know you do. All you have to do is vote for us- and by "us", I, of course mean, "ME" and we'll take care of everything!"

Of course, I'm not in favor of Mitt and the republicans and oligarchy rule in this country but, perhaps like famous rape victim and basketball coach, Bobby Knight, said: "If rape is inevitable, lie back and enjoy it."

This could be the republican party platform if only they were honest.

Politicians are never honest though. Hitler didn't gain power by popular vote and by detailing how he would rid the world of millions of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and other folks he did not like. Nor did he speak of world domination via perpetual war. The reason he didn't do this was because, people would not have gone along with such a plan. You have to ease people into things like that. You have to make it *necessary*. This means planting seeds of doubt and carefully watering them for a time until one day you set fire to the Reichstag, blame it on "the communists", go from being Chancellor to THE Furher and then you begin your World Tour...

Is Mitt going to do this? No. Not him personally.  I'm pretty good at sizing people up and, his millions aside, this guy is not that smart. He's simply the most electable of the other choices the GOP trotted out in the past year. Really, if you had to pick one of the GOP potentials to be the guy who, once elected, would start throwing undesirables into work camps it would have been Rick Santorum. You wouldn't have picked the others for anything and not enough people did so, it was gonna be Romney all along. Santorum was too weird. The Pizza Guy was comic relief and *proof* that republicans are NOT racist. Nein, nein, NEIN! Newt is Newt. He won't change that. Who am I forgetting? There were like 50 of them... Perry. Rick Perry is about as pretty as Romney but, he's damn near senile. How could they tell a guy what to do if  he couldn't articulate what they were saying?

That's why Romney is acceptable. If you were casting the role of president, he'd be a great choice.

But, his presidential looks and ten working digits are about all he brings to the White House. Well, as it turns out, that's all he needs. Everyone in the GOP just has to never mind that he's a Mormon. That's what gets me. All this God talk the GOP has been doing for years about "Christian values" and, in a nation of 300+ million people, the best they can come up with is a guy from a cult-like religion founded in the 19th century? Is there not a level of Scientology he could buy into and still have some change left over? Sheesh- where might the Reverend Jim Jones be today if not for his penchant for mass murder/suicide?

On the one hand, it's nice that no one is really making a big deal about Mitt's Mormonism. On the other, it's fucking bizzare. I really have heard scant little talk of the notion that we might have a president taking orders from Salt Lake City. JFK was the first Catholic president and the talk of the day was that he'd get marching orders from The Vatican. That, of course, did not happen. Have we matured this much as a nation since then?

No. BTW, that wasn't a serious question. We are nowhere near being seriously enlightened as a nation about anything. We never will be. We are the most easily led motherfuckers history has ever known. Once the envy of the world, the role model for absolutely everyone from the third world to communist nations, we are the laughingstock now. We are Lindsay Lohan. Once we were young, pretty and kinda perkily slutty and kinda good at what we do. Now we are a punchline. We're always driving into things and we've put on weight. We're still fuckable but, it's only because of what we used to be. Not because of our potential. This republic of ours never really took off. We had a nice run. Then, the script got flipped.

 "Casablanca" with Humphrey Bogart, is one of the best films ever made. Despite the script being sorta made up on the fly, it was a helluva good story. Did you know that Ronald Reagan was supposed to have played Rick Blaine instead of Bogie? Yep. A truly great film was thisclose to being "Bedtime For Bonzo Goes To North Africa". Ronald Reagan's greatest role turned out to be playing "The President" in a real life casa blanca. Who saw that coming?

Life. It's all in the casting. Who knew?


Anonymous said...

Ronald Reagan? No, that wouldnt have been good. My husband works with some guys (plural!) who carry a photo of Reagan around in their wallets!

It is a little crazy that no one is screaming about Him being Mormon when you think about it

Anonymous said...

Er, I didnt mean to capitalize him in my last comment

ex-ferrer said...

I'm sure there is much gnashing of teeth, as they say, amongst friends and foes. He's the first one to run for president and there is that plus questions about church policy, questions about his father being born in Mexico and the reason his grandpa went there, etc. After all the insane questions about Obama (and refusal by some to accept facts) no question of Romney's church should go un-asked. I'd like to know if coffee will be allowed in the White House.