Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wake up call

I woke up this morning thinking about "lowest common denominators" and "the debt ceiling". This is silly because the debt ceiling crap was sooooo two weeks ago. People quit *caring* about that after about two days of Monday morning quarterbacking. The teapublicans won that one and everyone moved on to Iowa and all it's flavors of corndogs and teapublican candidates to be named later.

Are you the lowest common denominator amongst us?

We really don't matter to those who run things except when we care about things we are told matter. If you watch the news or read the threads, there are a variety of things that matter. Sometimes its HUGE things like debt-ceilings and Anthony Weiner's penis but, usually, it's small things put out there by the folks in charge to see what we think we think matters. They like to throw stuff out there to see what sticks- like how some people might make spaghetti.

Like 57 states. Most people know that the president did not say there are 57 states and certainly does not think their are 57 states so they don't care that there actually is a youtube out there of him saying something about having made stops in 57 states during the campaign of '08. Rational people know he meant 57 stops in X number of states. The lowest common denominator KNOWS though, that he believes that there are 57 states because that's what he said! They won't believe a motherfucking thing about anything else he says but, they will believe that. Because he said it. Sorta.  They just won't let that go no matter how stupid it makes them look. The folks on the threads can be forgiven. A clown avatar and a boner for president Obama  doesn't really add up to a real opinion that matters anymore than the initial mention of the 57 states bullshit by a paid, professional talking head did. Whoever *broke* that story is probably laughing at the clowns who believe it just as I am. Right now I'm looking at Bill Hammer (?) on Fox (the guy that looks like he might have been kicked by a mule and they just couldn't get the eyes right...) and I'm wondering if he walks out of the studio at the end of his shift and worries about rich people getting taxed. Is he a rich-people-getting-taxed-worrier or does he just play one on TV?

I don't know. He might believe everything he reads on his teleprompter. Maybe not. He doesn't make Beck/O'Reilly/Hannity cash but might think he needs to believe to continue working, to have hopes of making that cash. It's like when you're about six and you're pretty sure there is no Santa but, you're afraid that Christmas might completely go away if you don't play along. Most of us have been there, gotten past that.

But, do  the lowest common denominators amongst us- the one's that believe that Obama believes there are 57 states- still put out milk and cookies for Santa? Maybe. Why not? If you believe that taxing the nations wealthiest will hurt the economy and that ONLY cutting spending on social services can reduce a debt,  you might as well believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny too because, YOU ARE the lowest common denominator. Congratulations, you are the demographic most politicians and news organizations want to reach.  And, they know exactly where you are and that you are always there for them.

And they appreciate the milk and cookies!  

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