Friday, August 26, 2011

Hello, Teaparty? This is your bluff calling....

Three dictators have been deposed- by the people- this past Arab Spring/Summer. It seems that everyone is saying "NO!" to dictators.

Everyone, that is, except America.

Obama still rules America with an iron fist. Oh, there may be no tanks and troops in the streets but- make no mistake- there is socialistic healthcare for all pointed at our heads. And, that Constitution that he wipes his ass with? Well, it still has a 17th Amendment! All the others too!

The teaparty is certain that they will prevail in the '12 presidential election no matter who they run.

Um, hello! Dictators do NOT lose elections! Always winning elections is how they stay in power. The teaparty will have to do better.

They will have to revolt.

They claim to have the will of the people behind them. FOX polls prove this and they, BTW, are the most watched, most popular, non-Lamestream media outlet. They have the backing of wealthy Americans. They have 2nd Amendment remedies. They claim they have the military behind them as well.

So, where is the fucking revolution?

What is taking so long?


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