Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oh- come on....

I look at porn as much as the next guy. Wait a minute- that depends on who the next guy is! Yikes!

It might be someone who knew who Ginger Lee was prior to this Weiner business. I didn't.

Prior to this Weiner business, she was in....the weiner a porn star and is now a featured dancer at strip clubs. For reasons I cannot fathom, her association with Anthony Weiner has stymied her stripping career. Huh? Is she giving titty dancers a bad image?

Evidently, her tweeting with Weiner was NOT of a sexual nature. It was more political, She didn't care to talk dirty with him. Well, I guess that is the ol' "I gave at the office...." thing that I always wondered might be true of porn stars and I know is true of painters. Not that painters don't talk dirty or perform sex acts. I mean, they don't like to paint when they get home. Who the fuck does?

Ginger is a cutie. Very spankable. She has that girl-next-door thing going on and a nice southern accent, judging from her appearance with professional prostitute, Gloria Allred, in front of the cameras today, to discuss this Weiner business. Ginger looked very uncomfortable. It certainly wasn't her first time on camera. She should have used that old trick where you imagine your audience naked to relax. Or, she could have relaxed herself by getting naked.

Really, I felt bad for her. She seemed genuinely frightened and embarrassed. This from a young woman who usually winds up her work with a camera close up of one or more men's cum on her face. I guess one doesn't necessarilly prepare you for the other.

The word so far is that all her tweeting with Weiner was civil adult discourse. If you've seen the fucking hilarious reading of Weiner and the Blackjack Dealers actual tweets by Bill Maher and Jane Lynch, you know what un-civil discourse is. Ain't it odd that the *amateur* gal does all the trash-talking and the professional passes? As much as I know about it, I think this mirrors Gingers professional career as well. Anybody with genitals and a camera is a porn star these days. The internet (and DO NOT go looking until after you read this) is full of free porn. Yikes! Who knew? If Ginger Lee were a *star*, I don't think she profited from it as a few past porn stars might have. When so many are giving the product away for free or getting paid next to nothing, how lucrative can it be at the supposed top? There may never be another Ginger Lee. Her job has been taken by the gal in the cubicle next to you at work.

But, I think it's kinda neat that she became a born-again virgin in the latest political sex scandal. She stayed reasonably chaste. The others whored themselves out. Good for her. No money shot for Ginger.


Roo said...

I actually know some porn stars, I've even watched it being shot (and it ruins porn for you - well it does if you're like me and really believed that college parties like that actually exist - all lies!). Anyway, yeah the girls tell me that they just don't wanna screw on their days off cuz they're still recovering from work. It's interesting the things I know.

ex-ferrer said...

It was always a weird way to make a living. The actors don't get residuals. Even when it was more mainstream the money sucked. The featured woman would get up to $1200 for a film and the guys would maybe a 1/3 of that. The *industry* was more of a "community" where everybody pretty much knew everybody so there was a degree of trust and health security. That seems to have gone to hell. I don't think they'll ever be another Jenna Jameson again! Like any other business, the workers are getting screwed!

Roo said...

No need to post this comment, but in answer to your question - I may or may not have been an extra in one of them. No, didn't screw anyone or anything crazy, just danced around and cheered the three ladies on the floor on. lol