Friday, January 14, 2011

I sawr a film today, oh boy

"The Boy In The Striped Pajamas". I highly recommend it.

It's the holocaust as seen through the eyes of an 8 year old German boy, a boy on the *right* side of the fence in life.

I'm no spoiler so, they'll be no telling the end here. Rather, I'll speak to the beginnings because most of history is about beginnings as we the people keep on beginning the same things over and over again.

Do words hit harder than fists? Sure. The words I read on Topix hit hard in gut because they resonate with the awful words of history. It seems silly- and disingenuous- to equate the rhetoric of conservatives and the tea party of today to yesterdays Nazi's. They tried to eliminate an entire race of people, murdering more than 6 million Jews. Today's conservatives have not done anything like that.

But, they have talked about it. And not just on Topix. Rush Limbaugh has said on his radio program that all liberals shouldn't be killed. Enough should be spared to use as living fossils to be shown on every campus, to show what these people were all about.

Well, that motherfucker is very lucky to live in a nation where he can say such things. What he wants though, is to achieve a nation where such obscenities are policy and that no one may disagree. In the guise of dissent, he is trying to portend policy.

Can it be done? Of course. Adolph Hitler was not the overwhelming choice to lead Germany in the 30's. He certainly did not quickly rise to power or popularity. It took a lot of rhetoric, a wearing down of the German people. He pointed out "the enemy" and went about *proving* his case against them.

On Topix, on right-wing radio and TV we had this rhetoric for eight years of George Bush. Things seemed to have accelerated with Obama as president, because Obama is president. If you can forget for a moment that he is part black, if you can ignore his race, you cannot ignore that he is one of them. A liberal.

"Liberalism, of course, is a disease".

People repeat this on Topix as if it is known fact. "Water is wet." "Liberalism is a disease". It's as simple as that. Not at all complex. As if anyone just couldn't know this....

I mock these people. Hell- what can you do? It's not as if you can reason with them. Sheesh- if you ask them for a link, the fuckers got one! Absolutely ANYTHING can be *proven* on the internet. And anything can be disproven simply by denial. How DO you deal with people like that?

Well, they've made their own suggestions. FEMA camps was one. After Obama's election, the right was fearful that he would put conservatives into FEMA camps.....just like Hitler did....

Of course, that wasn't true. That wasn't on the table. It wasn't in the house. It wasn't even on the property. But, some people on the right believed it were true and, Glenn Beck, while he couldn't "prove it", also" ( couldn't) disprove it....." Thus, it's still out there, in the conservative cupboard, whenever they might need it. They'll use it again.

This irks the shit out of me. Perhaps you could tell? It just befuddles me that people living in the greatest nation in the history of the world could be filled with so much hatred for NO good reason. The election, like all of our elections happened without violence. George Bush later showed Barack Obama around the White House, gave him the keys and went off to clear brush from his ranch in Texas. No tanks, no troops in the streets. No blood. Some people are very unhappy about that though. It doesn't make sense but, I understand it.

I understand it because past is prologue. Some people want it that way. They always will....

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