Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Song Remains the Same

There's a little old thread in the Chicago Forum called the Quorum

Introvert Quorum!

It is run by 770 come and take her test in the Ouorum

Introvert Quorum!

They're all girls you bet
Race ain't one (well not yet...)

In the Quorum

Introvert Quorum!

And that's Uncle Joe he's a thinkin' kinda slow

In the Quorum

Introvert Quorum!


ex-ferrer said...

Not bad. Not GOOD but, not bad.
How 'bout this one:

Hi ho, hi ho
Race is a jerkimo
He posts like junk
He's always drunk
Hi ho, hi ho

You're too sensitive.

Anonymous said...

and you stink at rhymes.
Old saying, I may be drunk but when I wake up in the morning I will be sober. You will still be.....
(no smart is not an option dummy)

ex-ferrer said...


Anonymous said...

Glad to see your devoted non-reading dregs still find time to read what you have to say. They're not the brightest bulbs on the string there, eh?