Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hearts and Minds

What happened on the threads last night wasn't about winning hearts and minds or destroying the regulars or ruining the Amy/Abby threads on Topix. That was never my intention. I simply wanted to put it out there that, if a person tells a lie about me, that person must answer for it. We now know that in Iraq there were no weapons of mass destruction. We now know that in Salem Massachusetts in the 1600's, dunking a woman in water or setting her on fire DID NOT prove that her accusers were right when they said she was a "witch". And, we now know that just because a woman says that I sent her pictures of my penis and love e-mails, doesn't mean that it happened. Once again: It did not happen. I encourage her to prove it. She can't. It didn't happen.

I wouldn't expect her to apologize to me. An apology would also be a confession of her guilt and that's just not gonna happen. It's possible that, in a weak moment- if pressed by her innie friends to tell the truth- she might fess up to them that it was all an obscene lie on her part. I'm sure that they would stand by her side, forgive her and comfort her.

"Well, look how he reacted to it!", they might exclaim. "Does an innocent man proclaim his innocence?! The bastard probably won't even apologize to you for forcing you to lie like that! The...MR. MAN!"

Then, all will be made better when the e-cookies and e-bubble tea are passed around for the e-innies to enjoy...

That wouldn't surprise me at all. I don't need apologies or confessions. The problem wasn't with the Amy/Abby threads. People like them. I like them as well. There is a lot of good humor, information and love regarding those letters. My initial problem was with Angeliques "stories" which were often mean but, admittedly, merely fucking stupid 95% of the time. Most, if not all, of the offending stories are long gone now. The end result of my initial fussing with her was that now they are "offshore" where innocent victims of her mean spirit can't see them. Now she will put up innocuous stories so that people can "see" that (now at least) she meant no harm. She's already passing out the e-treats in the same thread that the battle took place on last night, in her effort to win hearts and minds. Hey, this is the internet, this is America. If grown women want to have imaginary tea parties with imaginary people- have at it.

I was distressed to learn that one of the objects of innie scorn and ridicule had been long since aware of the stories and the not so- secret conversations about him on not so-secret threads. It makes me wonder who else suffered at her hands. Who suffered in silence? This fight began last night with a question about what might have become of a poster called Logic Police. A couple of other people who had left the fold were mentioned. I "knew" LP pretty good. She was tough. I felt she bailed simply because she saw the futile inanity of dealing with some of these regs. Perhaps it had been the same with HofC and Polarity. I don't know. It's better to up and leave a gang rather than get "jumped out".

The regs will go on. So will Amy and Abby and those Obama Birther threads will- I promise you- NEVER END. Such is e-life. New regs will join, some will drift away. I think that a couple have seen what happened to me had had that there but for the grace of god...moment. The little boy just didn't cry wolf but one time, did he?


Roo said...

Seeing as how the Regs have no problem turning on others out of no where, I find myself on "Team Ferrerman", if you will. Of course, they only have your best interests at heart while they're tearing you down. I'm so fucking done with that shit. I can only imagine what's been written about me on their "off-shore" accounts.

ex-ferrer said...

I appreciate that, Roo. I honestly don't know if they've written about you off-shore as that has never be part of my domain. That's for innies only. I think they have a couple of those accounts. If A's lie about me had stayed offshore and I never knew, I wouldn't have cared. If they've lied or gossipped about you, well, you know you better than anyone. Some of them really suck. Ease away now that you know what they're capable of. They're not worth you getting upset about.

Roo said...

I just think it's kinda funny that they'll tell the "trolls" to skip over posts if they don't want to read them, but a certain someone feels it's his duty to complain to me that I'm somehow hijacking every thread and he's tired of reading about it. Then we have the Topix shrink that thinks I need to join codependants anon. WTF? It's so stupid. I joined just for fun, and I see that it's just like high school with all the cliques.