Saturday, October 15, 2016


I'm rather famous for being a bottom spanker, if I do say so myself. And, as dedicated non-readers may note, I do say so myself. So, what do I as a bottom-spanker think of Donald Trump and his pussy grabbing?

I think he's doing it wrong.

The media and public are making it too much about semantics and not enough about Trumps physical actions. It's one bad thing to say he's grabbing pussy and it's another- worse- thing to admit he does this. It's a YUUUUUGE difference, you might say. This Ferrerman does not go about spanking random women's bottoms because I'm famous. That would be rude and ignorant. Definitely illegal too. Offering a woman whom you are acquainted with a spanking (in the right circumstances) isn't a bad thing either. It's something that's on the menu, subject to substitution. They may decline and go for the tongue lashing and the schtupping.  It's a full service operation here. No tipping!

What isn't on the menu, any day of the week, is going up to a woman and grabbing her pussy. Nor breasts or bottom. I've never been that way. No point in starting now. That's sexual assault. It is illegal whether you are rich and powerful or poor and charming. This is what so many people are missing in all this trumpery. He was wrong to do this as a famous millionaire and he was wrong to do this as a candidate. Wealth and fame do not entitle anyone to crime.

It's also disingenuous to drag President Bill Clinton's affairs into this. Receiving a blowjob from a consenting adult intern is not a proper thing for a president to do but, the operative word here is "consenting". She wasn't raped. She knows that. Affairs are not rape. Only rape is rape.

And grabbing a woman's pussy is sexual assault (a precursor to rape) without consent. If that is Trump's foreplay, he's doing it wrong. It's not an acceptable way of saying "hello" or showing interest. He is a sexual predator. No two ways about it.

Let's be civil out there and let's keep things in perspective and our hands off the genitalia of strangers. It's just the right thing to do, no matter who you are.

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