Monday, June 1, 2015

Hipocritic Oath

Occasionally I like to point out that republicans, particularly of the tea party persuasion, are very hateful people. It seems like the more Christian they identify as, the more filled with hate they are. The internet is chock-full of examples of republican hatred. In fact, I think it, rather than pornography or cat videos, drives the internet. It seems like it's either reichwing sites promoting hate or left-wing sites reporting on the hate-filled rants on reichwing sites. As a guy who gets most of his FOX news from Jon Stewart, I tend to get my internet hate from liberal sites that keep track of reichwing hate sites. It does prompt me to go to the source at times....

Over the weekend Beau Biden died after a battle with brain cancer. He was 46. He is the son of our Vice President, Joe Biden. Aside from that, Beau was an Iraq war veteran. As a Captain in Delaware's National Guard, he served a year in Iraq.

You would like to think that republicans on the internet would take the time to thank him for his service. A couple few did, I suppose.

An obscene number, however, wished that his father had died in his place. The *liberal* site, Addicting Info, posted screenshots of similar and worse sentiments. To ferrer, I must note that some republicans did call out their peers for the brutality of their sentiments. But, ya know, dammit, they can't help but react that way because Beau was the son of the man who works with the man who has dedicated his life to destroying America- the country they love to death. So, there's that....

Forget  six degrees of separation to Kevin Bacon. These people can connect Barack Obama to absofuckinglutely anything in one to two moves. Well, that's politics.

But, they can also totally disregard their religious convictions with no shame, in a heartbeat. Fuck that "loving thine enemy" and any compassion for the deceased or his family. Everything you ever swore to as a follower of Christ goes out the goddamned window where politics are concerned! You betcha!

It was similar with the Duggars. Christianity was being attacked by Godless liberals when it was revealed that a teenaged Josh Duggar had molested his own sisters as well as other young girls. People who- probably minutes before were screaming for child molesters to be sodomized in prison by other prisoners- were now saying "he was playing doctor like all kids do" and "he said he was SORRY!" Jesus forgave him- why can't you?

It's like they took a hypocritic oath when they became Christian republicans- "First, do no mercy."

The come off their game quite easy. Most are never really on it so, it's not a steep fall from grace. Frankly, it isn't just politicians who find it prudent to jump on the religious bandwagon, regular people do it as well.  It's like a secret handshake. If you identify as a Christian, people are more inclined to trust you or at least think you might be trustworthy. If you aren't, God will get you....

There are certainly Christians in the democrat party. Well, they claim to be Christian that is. Obama, for example, is a secret Muslim who claims to be Christian. Them's the worst kind. Hillary probably is too. Or, she'll be one soon enough.

It makes you wonder who the real Christians are. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the "real" ones are not the one's who blindly defend TV child molesters, or who wish death on political rivals. Jesus, people- would Jesus do that?

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