Monday, September 22, 2014

Testing....testing....Can you guess how many jelly beans are in Elizabeth's head?

Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Dedicated non-readers might recall that she was on The View, and was on it for a long time before this Ferrerman realized that she had also been the girl on Survivor who had used the old man (NOT Rudy- the other one) to advance further in the game and maybe even win it(?) Now she's on Fox News. She's the blonde one, if you're scoring at home.

Anyway, I heard elsewhere today that she believes that kids in school should be tested about gubmint and that, while we're at it, voters should be tested too! She must think that the usual 48% voter turnout is too damn high and a test would be a good way of lowering it. Being that she's a member of the Foxzi party and one of their propagandists, I'd have to say she's not in tune with the Foxzi faithful, most of whom make up the Constitution as they go along and would not necessarily fare well on a test..

Honestly, she approached it from the angle that kids and people need to know more about our government and how it works. Well, yeah. If I remember right, I took a Constitution test in grade school (for sure) and maybe high school too. I don't know if they still do that though. I do know that, as in the clip I saw, they always trot out a naturalized citizen to show how (he or she properly emigrated, mind you) foreign people know more about our government than fifth graders or average Americans in the street. Do you know why this is? It's because they had to take a test to become a citizen. Those of us born here don't have to so, the three branches of government and the number of representatives in the house isn't fresh in our minds like it would be for those studying to become citizens.

How much do you really have to know to vote, whether it be for the president or you city's mayor? If you are having a steak for dinner, do you really have to know all the details of how the steak made it's way from the range to the grill in the kitchen? You just have to know you like steak and prefer it to fish or a pasta dish. Voting is pretty much the same process.

Think about who you are voting for and why. I can study and prep all I want but, that doesn't mean that assholes like Louis Gohmert and John Boehner won't still get elected. If you want to test people, test those fuckers. Neither of them has any business being in Congress. Well, business has something to do with it.... Neither has the skill set to serve 'we the people' but, there they are. All the testing in the world can't stop a House-full of dickhead republicans from voting 52 times on The ACA or holding umpteen hearings on "How To Make A Big Deal Out Of.....BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!"

So, pass a test to give dream jobs to Gomers and Boners? I don't see the point.

Well, OK, I do. Scotland just voted on whether to stay or go away from England. Nearly 87% of eligible voters voted. We here average around 48% for elections including the presidential ones. We've been exporting democracy for so long we just barely have any left, I guess.

It behooves the GOP to make it harder for democrats to vote. Thus, all the bullshit about photo ID's and the curtailing of early voting and anything else that appeals to democrats and to black voters in particular. You would think that in a democracy/republic like we technically are, that they'd be inventing new ways to get people involved in the process of voting but, you'd be one of those new voters from out of town if you thought that. Limiting voting is nothing new. Back in the day, up through the 50's down south when today's republicans were known as "democrats", they didn't want black folks voting. They tried poll taxes, literacy tests and carnival games to stymie them. None of these tricks were legal, of course. The stunts of today are legal but, calling something legal doesn't make it right. Note how some feel about abortion and it's still legal. Republican legislators don't even give it the shrug-off they give inversion with corporations. When Burger King goes to Canada to avoid taxes they say: "Hey, it's legal." like there's not a goddamned thing they can do about it. Then they go vote on the Affordable Care Act- again- and plot some more Benghazi nonsense.

Yeah. We need to study hard to retain the right to vote for those fuckheads. Sheesh....

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