Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Health Class with Ferrerman

This might surprise some but, I can still do it at least twice a day. Here's a video:


Of course I'm talking about blogging twice in one day. You knew that.

Weird video, eh? What is with the Mormons and their disdain for us fellas pleasuring ourselves? Do they not care that ladies do this too? Why the double standard?

Oh, I know. Religiously speaking, women are not supposed to be doing that either but, when they do it the result isn't genocidal homicide!

 I got the metaphors, most of them, I guess. Troops, massed at the border, waiting to attack. But, there must be a purpose for that attack. A proper venue. A reason. A result. A lifetime of purpose. Procreation. New church members. More door-knockers.

You know, if your roommate catches you in the act and he doesn't back out of the room he's not a good roommate. If he joins you, he maybe too good of a roommate. But, if he counsels you, I think he's the one that is the jerkoff.

It's an odd video but one that the LDS church folks spent a good deal of time and money on. It's evidently very important to them. They are not the only religion to try and limit sex to procreative purposes only- and only within marriage, I might add. Others might even make videos about it too. I didn't look. You know though that if sex were limited to procreation in marriage though that many people would never, ever have sex and that the world would be a helluva lot more sad and frustrating for more people than it already is. And now, don't you think that a God- if he wanted it that way- would have been smart enough to make it so people could only have sex while married? Like maybe it would only be enjoyable after a ceremony and cake and nine months prior to little feet pitter-patting?

Shut up! If you don't think so then you don't think, so, here's the Jewish take on the whole thing, brought to you by the lovely and talented, Sarah Silverman:


YIKES! That might be a little extreme even for our tea party politicians!

Ferrerman note: I started this yesterday but got distracted, thus the cutesy opening. What- did you think I was tantric?

Leave it to Professor Ferrerman to show films for Health Class!

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